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Everything posted by stormrider8

  1. You said it mate, too much to soon. Gotta start off gradually
  2. Lets see some of these super fit dogs then mate..
  3. I dont have any pictures mate, not sure he would want them on here anyway! There just bull/gry with the wheaton chucked in n somewhere.
  4. Yes mate. Had very good night monday! Have you spoke to Kyle? was very impressed with pip. (one of your litter) Alan spoke to him, didn't stop talking about it all night then! well pleased for Kyle, a sign of the type of home she went too. Still got 2 pups here in the kennels that have got to go, could of sold them 100 times over just too picky on who they go too! Was it your dog pip was working with? Yes it was mate. Shes only just 2 years herself, her first proper season!
  5. Yeah some are still available but you would need to speak to there owner. These are proper dogs mate!
  6. Yes mate. Had very good night monday! Have you spoke to Kyle? was very impressed with pip. (one of your litter)
  7. To many other things around for lurchers to be involved mate. Keepers around here wont have it!
  8. Look at these little babys! What do you think ,worker to worker mating!!
  9. Thanks all. Sometimes when dogs are running hard on it you can here the shoots smashing against there chest. Not seen any bad injuries myself. Was expecting more to have had injuries on it.!
  10. Magwitch and I walked a field of it Saturday ,just looking for rabbit holes, the cut stalks are about 6inches high and like bayonets,none of my dogs willl be run in it,I value their eyesight too much. Good point mate, rabbits could be quite dodgy. Im off out tonight and i knows there loads of it cut..
  11. Just wondered how many of you will run your dogs on it? Its that time of year again and most is cut around here, it always seems to hold good numbers of stuff but they seem to leave it quite long. Last year my bitch picked up quite a few injuries on it ,nothing serious but it always makes me feel i shouldnt be running her on it, cheers lads.
  12. English bull/grey id say, look at the head at about 40 seconds! Also i have seen a fair few of this cross with that colouring. That would be my guess.
  13. S Pep on this site has a half x bitch that any working dog man would be proud to own, propper dog!
  14. Crackin pics mate. Are they park fallow? the wild fallow we have are totaly different down here..
  15. Heard foxes take on the best of lurchers up there
  16. There are loads of threads on here about Hancock stuff mate! Generally causes an argument this question..
  17. My bitch is at the end of her second week and have been working her the same as always. Her first week in she retrieved 2 red skins on the same night. I have not seen any real differents in her performance. Gotta go im off lampin
  18. Upload them on photobucket mate and change there size to large. Save to your computer and then attach it on here.
  19. Theres only one reason they are so popular mate. They are very good at there job! Its as simple as that.
  20. good one mate. its been like a summers day down here today! shorts & t shirt..
  21. Can you not say the dog chased it out of your garden? Doesnt sound as bad as the dog running stray.
  22. Can the rechargable battery be replaced when its had it or do you need to buy a new collar?
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