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Everything posted by bluecollar

  1. I see you went to ronnies, did you get dogs from him?

  2. bluecollar no his name is Mo , i want to get Toby from Todd of deadgame in america , but i can not get Toby ,maybe i remember i heard toby was died from Todd . i dont know Toby is or not now . I was just wondering cuz I thought he was sold overseas.. He is the sire to 2 dogs I worked off of a female named Bo'Darc's Quick I got from Oklahoma.. One was lost while running bear and the other one is still doing good and has been on badger, beaver, coon and nutria.. I would ask todd again if i was you..
  3. Delonpara, is that chocolate dog named Toby??
  4. I worked a female for a while she was hard and a good locator.. WELL built dogs..
  5. You are more than welcome to come out to Oregon and we will show you a good time.. How old is your terrier and where did you get it from.. Do you only hunt with patts?
  6. Go hunting with guys in your area and find a dog or bitch you like, that works the way you like and get a pup off of them... Then when they are hunting good find a mate that would pair well with your dog and hunt it and then in a couple years breed'um.. This will give you the best chance of getting dogs that you will want to keep..
  7. Good talking to you again Adam... Will defenitly be down in Albany area the 21th-24th. We normaly meet at the A&W off of Hwy34 exit off of the I-5 at around 8am. Am going to call the guy with the slough this this week to make sure we are cleared. Lot of coon and beaver, I will bring my Lurcher Red Dog and my Nuttall male Mac. Plus the two Russell guys Ray and Brett but they are only bringing 2 pups.
  8. doing ok now. Got a divorce last year and been havin a hard time. got a house now. have been working the dogs though. doing well. hunting my Lurcher a lot.

  9. Look like the hog catch dogs in the east Texas. There are pure bulldogs that have the same look. This dog has killed big coons w/o getting bit they just go POP!!!! He is 24in 90lbs+... He regularly hits the top of his kennel that is 6ft. Run him behind the truck for 10 miles and he dose just fine(not in the heat of summer).
  10. Nice looker, dont like white ones but looks good.. Here is the one I trained for a draw dog and to run coon for a buddy.
  11. The black one is 24in 90lbs. The other one is about 20in and 75lbs. These dogs are free of ANY Johnson and Scotts blood and were bred off of the original stock they used (such as Mac the Masher) only no St Bernard or Bully pits in the mix. Only out cross I could find was a Great Dame Catch dog in the early part of 1900's for the Alapaha... NO out crosses on the Templar dogs..
  12. I have seen lots of them. Strong dogs. Lot of peddling off of the Booth name BUT I met him and I would take a terrier off of HIS yard any day.. Not saying I liked or disliked him but he knew his hunting and was passionate about terriers.
  13. My Alapaha Bulldog. He dose man work and I had him on Raccoons and Nutria. Will be bred to a Stag bitch next year. Bred by my good friend James Orr at Mt. Bull Kennels.. I have seen him track and tree is own coon.. This is the working type bred off of Lana Lu Lanes yard in Georgia before she died. My buddies use them for Man work and Catch'n hogs.. Friends Templar Bulldog. Most pure lines of sporting bulldog in the US. 54 times "Mack the Masher". Dose man work hasn't been started on game yet.
  14. I have a male 20month old Jagd Terrier for sale... He has mostly been used on small game.. Has found 3 Coons on his own in the berry vines.. Has been dug to 10+ times on Nutria and always stayed till dug to.. He has been used with my friends Hawks flushing bunnies/hares.. I have used him to push coyotes for the sighthounds.. He is good w/ other dogs and has worked with other males his whole life.. I have moved and the hunting is not the same here and he is not getting used like he needs to be... I will take $700 for him or trade for two Beddie pups out of ground working lines... He is
  15. ALL named blood lines of AM Bulldog are for show, the only place to get a real Bulldog is from a hog hunter and most are just crossbred for type and skill not to be "pure bred", LOT of Curr, pointer, hound, or cattle type dogs.. If it is registered it is CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. 3 US Stags and a Grey/Whippet...
  17. No, but it is not reg. but the parents had AKC papers(I seen them).. so I would just say this one was a freak, they said she was not like the others, as far as temp went, they called her "hyper" LOL.... She was ripping a tire apart doing flips when I first seen her, I thought "if I can get her to bite something she will be a keeper", she works the briers hard as any dog I have seen...
  18. The lady who owns that dog NEVER WORKED A DOG EVER, the Vator dog has never seen the inside of a sett EVER!!! I have seen offspring off of her peddling of non workers and they are sub-par to say the least.. He is also dog aggressive and to big for ground work here.. No dog she owns has ever worked she told me that her self.. She has 2-7 litters a year though.. It is vary frustrating to people to pay $$ and spend a ton of time for a dog that is told "its not off of workers but it should work" and ends up not one out of the litter made the grade, this is a load of bs... Makes me MAD
  19. Good post!! I love hunting w/ my friends Jagds and I have had one I liked but they are not for every one and you need to make sure the parents are working in the way you want your dog too..
  20. Yes they can, bros of my friends Airedale/Stag run and catch on their own in N. Calli... But you have to cross quality not just any two mutts.. My friend has a BMC/Stag pup that he likes a lot just breed one of the big BMC bitches to a top yote crushing Stag and you will have what you want.. I will pm you my ##... If you do the cross I will take as many as you can spare!!! Christian J.
  21. Unless you have TON of land to hunt I would stick to the UK breeds, what I have seen from working w/ Jagds is they RANGE FAR!!!! Great for running and tracking game, used here for Bear, Lion, and Hog, but not many for digging...
  22. It all depends on the sett, we freecast two dogs at a time plus a lurcher, most setts have more than one Nutria so I find it helpful to have two down loose just in case... Once they draw if they are solo I will drop another dog to help finish... We also find a lot in the brush and 2 or 3 dogs in a brush pile really gets the game moving or killed quickly.. My lil dogs(less than 11lbs) I hunt solo w/ a lurcher on leash and a terrier ready for the draw once we break through cuz the lil ones have to much trouble drawing.... It just all depends on what dogs are out and whet the area is like...
  23. Here are some pics, hope you like them... The other dog in the pics is my friends gyp "Radish" Jackson on the bottom, Jackson on the right, Jackson, is the one in my right arm, He will be started on Badger when the ground thaws where they are at and fox when I can get over to where my friend has a problem w/ them, the Nutria are a pest here so he gets a lot of "practice" on them..
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