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Everything posted by bluecollar

  1. Has anyone ever used these crosses in Europe or the UK?
  2. Looks like a good time. Headed out to Idaho sooner or later this year.. Just got my stich pup, he is a nice pup..
  3. bait them in with cat food, run and tree them at night with a good dog, get a good spotlight.. I have killed hundreds of them like this off of trash dumps.. I use patterdales and airedale lurchers..
  4. Yankee, what are you starting this post for? Do you have a bitch that is ready to be bred? Where are your hunting posts Yankee? Lets see them hunting posts buddy. What do you have for breeding? Are you a breeder or a hunter or both? Paul, I think he does have a bitch in heat , and, he is going to breed to Blue Collars Wee Willy the Wonder Dog........
  5. My friends hunt them and I have seen some that were as good or better than most terriers but that goes for all breeds... Sharpness is my main problem with them but if you go thrugh a some I am sure by working them hard and being honest with ur self and culling any problem ones then you should be able to come up with a real nice dog, I have one I run with hounds.. If you are looking just to dig then a Patterdale would be the best bet as far as % of workers in a proper bred litter... In the end it is your choice, I would go out with the people in your area and ask a TON of questions and ask t
  6. what did you want to know.. some good some bad, most too big for digging, great at flushing game but range far so not good in small places.. A lot are dog aggressive and hyper so they need a job all the time and not really a good team worker on avarage, alot a good with other dogs but the ones that arent never will be and are not fun to have around...
  7. What a buch of a$$holes.. I dont have the same veiws as Craig but to slag on someones religon or lack of it is LOW IMO... Seems like I am glad I am a redneck amarican whos mama taught him some manners.. What you guys see of the US is all from California and as far as I am concerened it is the worst place on the planet.. And at least we have rights and can hunt... Feel sorry for you guys over there..
  8. Mosby, will be out next weekend, me and my brother.. I will bring Mac, Scruff and Red Dog..
  9. We run bobcats into the rocks and lots of people have jagds to pull them out of the rocks.. I have one to run with the walker and he will go to ground after them but most bolt I have seen when given good reason.. That is when a lurcher comes in handy..
  10. I agree 99% with this post, a man who has worked a lot of coon for sure.. In my experiance a bigger dog can push to quarry and be good at it... BUT in the valley here in the late summer early fall the clay ground drys out and hardens, it is like rock, you have to chip it away with a digging bar inch by inch, so at that time of the year a larger dog with high drive gets stuck a lot.. The same large dog in the spring or late fall would have no problem pushin in the same sett he got stuck in in the summer..
  11. I live in Oregon but have hunted in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, South Dakota, Iowa, & Illinois.. Ground hunting and barn hunting dont compaire, sure they are both GREAT work for a terrier but not the same but a lot of simular stuff involed for sure.. I also run my terriers with hounds and have got a ton of coon in Idaho and Oregon doing that, is it terrier work, yes they are working but is it what should show me what I have, NO, the test of a terrier is to ground.. When hunting in Illinois we got three coon in the ground in the same sett, then a sec later got 7 out of a wood
  13. Got a couple coons in my live trap the other day so it was a perfict time to get the pups really going good.. Made some drags for them they made it every time, all worked together well(4 pups under 18months).. I was real impressed with the hound I just picked up, got him as a gift for free and you always wonder if they are culls gettin'um like that but he seems to be a good one and gets better every time.. Let one coon go and held them pups back for a couple min., let them go and they got it on the ground real quick and were bayin it up real nice and it wasnt going anywhere.. All were bayi
  14. Last time I was on here someone had made this cross.. I was wondering how it turned out..
  15. You got to find the beaver away from water, hard to do but we got a 60lbs one off the snake river in Idaho with terriers and Reds son Griffin.. Otter will show you whats up hahaha isnt that right mosby hahaha... The lurcher will go into the brush after the terriers when the coon or nutria start screaming or you hear them in the ground.. Red had done it hundreds of times so he knows what is happening just by listening and will cut off the bolting game.. And yes he is to kill cuz I like my terriers 14lbs or less.. They will kill a coon but we wont be hunting much that week if the coon is a b
  16. I have seen Mosbys dogs hunt and they do everything he said!!!! His Magwa dog is one of the best terriers I have seen ever!!!!! In ground, above ground, running with hounds etc... Our coons are differednt the dont pack on all the fat for the winter so they stay lean all year I think when we went out last time the big one was 26lbs.. But lean and stong living away from people not garbage eaters.. Not saying ur coon are not bad ass Bob as we have talked lots before but unless you come out here to see what we hunt in you would not understand.. I sent a terrier into a blackberry bush one tim
  17. This is vary true!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have given many dogs away that were to big for me that worked good for others.. I mostly hunt Nutria so a small dog is a must for me.. Plus I use a lurcher so coons arent a peoblem the terriers just have to hold them for long enough till Red Dog gets there.. This style of hunting is different than even the people I hunt with..
  18. Im down for that, 2wkend of march works for me.. Coonhound trial the first weekend here.. Only got one Patterdale Terrier right now but he is good on coon for a 12-13lbs dog.. The Jagd is better size for coon at 16lbs.. But Im sure my buddies from Idaho, Cali, and Washington would come too.. We were going to the last one but were told not to many people..
  19. From what I seen around me I like Loggins Tim and Ed McCoys Angus.. I have seen some real good dogs off of both of these dogs..
  20. Christian I don't mean this in a smart aleck way,so don't take it like that,but you don't know what I do with my dogs.Admittedly,no,I don't do what I would call hunting as it is little and far between.My family and friends take the dogs out.I am pretty much kennel-boy but this is old news.I just this wk(along with family of course)took War out,"myself" and he got a couple nice sized coon.So,I "care" cause my name is mentioned.Just as I'm sure you would care if you're name was mentioned. I don't mean to insinuate anything and if it comes out that way,I apologize.But just as you state that
  21. This is US patterdales.. Full of BS puppy peddelers and chest pounding.... Took me ignoring everyone for years to see all the lies I was told, I hunted enough to see thrugh their shit.. Got 2 gyps from Mike in Oklahoma, good dogs one was real hard one was a mixer, both were stolen from me by people who were supose to breed them for me.. Got two from Jeff in Tenn. good dogs both were real good ground dogs and got a lot of game but took to long to heal.. Got some miner dogs from Idaho they sucked... Got some booth line dogs from WA some were game but all were WAY to big for the ground here
  22. Are you saying that your lurchers are quick enough to catch rabbit but will also pick up the scent of an animal a tree it or hold a hod till you get there? you should let me know next time you have a good litter. many thanks Rory they dont cold trail like a hound but they will use their nose. I have seen it a ton..
  23. Askin the guys from over there about hunting in the US will give you only bad info.. My lurchers do things they said they could not and trail and tree with the hounds and it is still leagil in some countys in Cali and MO and I think MS and GA for Deer.. My Lurchers have been on Coon, Nutria, Beaver, Otter, Hares, Rabbits, Coyotes, Mouflon, Bear, Hogs, Cats, and Deer... Not all the same dog but all the same breeding Stag/Grey/Airedale/Pit..
  24. Can a dog take a large stag or dear solo.. How did they take them?? What breeds/crosses did the best... What is the biggest you have seen taken by a solo dog..
  25. These are like them kangol dogs you see the iraquis with thats what i thought , x one of them with greyhound that would be a big strong bugger+fast+tough.!! Have seen it done... no good... Trying to make dogs for wolfs in Idaho.. Might be better at 1/4...
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