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Everything posted by bluecollar

  1. Not been up to much. In the middle of moving now. How have you been Bob.
  2. Me too Erik, no work here moving to Roseburg.. Lot of hunting and more jobs there..
  3. Don't get me wrong a good Jagd is as good as any just hard to find them in a good size vary often, if u look about there are digging lines but not as many as the all arounder, jack of all trades master of none..
  4. I have been around and had a lot of them looking for a super terrier like they are suppose to be, only seen 4 that I liked.. I have not found them as consistant to ground as a classic English terrier but are far better above ground and at brushing. Biggest problem I had was being vary ill with other dogs to the point of them killing eachother..
  5. It is a she and she is to big for ground work here.. She is my friend tanners dog, was bred in Oregon for bear and bobcat hunting with hounds.. There are a ton of lines of Jagds my friend in Texas has a 13lbs lil male that is good to ground..
  6. You should of seen one of the others that bolted, was quite a bit bigger than this one.. And sorry no more pics, I don't bring a cam u are lucky my girl was there with her fancy phone for those pics hahaha..
  7. You should of seen one of the others that bolted, was quite a bit bigger than this one.. And sorry no more pics, I don't bring a cam u are lucky my girl was there with her fancy phone for those pics hahaha..
  8. Ya for sure, if your coming this way in Oct bring me something out and we will have a good time for sure... And I still got them hens for you if we can figure out how to get them to you...
  9. Sounds like a good time and always good to make a farmer happy!!
  10. Kye, You are more than welcome anytime there are a lot more here. Steve, Would be good to see you again bud. You can see now why I was lookin for a beddie or fell these otter are almost to much for my lil patts, he got it done but I was worried for him for a day...
  11. My buddy sent me this pic of his hunt after work this week.. The B/T is Tipper a jagd bitch and the other is Bob he is a mix of everything.. All of these were found on the ground, they treed some others but they were left for another hunt.. I really like hunting with these two, always a good time and lots of sport...
  12. This is where we ended up digging..
  13. Ok I hope this works, the dogs after a hard day of work..
  14. Thanks Erik. I don't know why the pic won't show it dose when I am trying to edit it but then just goes back to code. If anyone can help I will repost the pic..
  15. I did not have her when she was on most of her game, she belonged to Hoss1 before me...
  16. There are a ton of otters here, too many, 4 others bolted from these setts just when I was digging. I really like Otters but there is no control over them here. You can get an Otter card or a Bobcat card and this is one of the top bobcat hunting areas and furs go for $200+ so no one gets the otter card.
  17. Got my first otter last week... I was out running the lurchers down by the river by my house. Ran a couple bunnies then the terrier disapeared for a couple min so we went looking for him. Found him in a set under a tree next to the river he was in there a long time but as he has never entered a sett before I thought he was just excited. Well about 30min later an Otter bolted out of a second sett up river we didn't even see.. It took a bit for JR the terrier to come out of that sett... He ran right to the other sett and hit the otter that was still home in a couple seconds so it looked like he
  18. She is mostly worked as a strong dog for the terriers but I will start her more on bunnies soon. She has mostly been on coon, nutria and coyote..
  19. Grey X Airedale/Bull she is 3yrs old about 24tts and 45lbs... I have her littermate brother and a younger brother by a different Sire...
  20. I got some just wondering what others thought of theirs? They are 45-85lbs... Some faster than others but all really game and good at tracking and treeing...
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