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Everything posted by bluecollar

  1. I have gotten hundreds of them.. you need a super tiny harder dog.. Never Ever dig a natural sett, always dig in a man made rockpile... You need a small shovel with long handle and a couple rock bars and a friend, dont try alone you may reach a rock you cant move.. And if you get them off an alfalfa field eat'um cuz they are real tasty..
  2. Give me a call and I tell u how to hunt rockchucks..
  3. Rory4 the otter almost killed him, took me 2hrs to get to them, he was in a bad way..
  4. After JR got this otter at a year old I knew he was special.. Hasnt made a bad move yet..
  5. Rip Bob and my heart goes out to Shelly and his family..
  6. Hide me a male pup in the kennel when u send Tanner his Jagds...
  7. Your brin pup looks like mine alot... Mine is super gritty but a tad slow if I just coursed with him but he works good for me..
  8. Jawn I'll send u a ton of cope if u breed to Hoss!!!
  9. Bears are no good to eat, I have had them in jerky that was the ground pepperoni type and it was good buy had been mixed with boar and some elk.. It is super gamie, in the old times they would render bear down for the fat as other wild game is vary lean, but no need for that smelly job now...
  10. I hunt all year, I just move around and follow the game. Right now is good for nutria and that is what we were after.. Coon are just starting to come out more during the day and we will get on a lot more as the year goes on.. Then coyote hunting hets good in about 2months and after the first of the year will ne going for otter and beaver with the dogs and trapping bobcat up in the high country.. Then a break then back to nutria..
  11. Blackberry bushes.. I am covered in scars from them, that coon was 40ft back in 12ft high strait thorn bushes..
  12. No real big coon here and it dosent get cold enough to get thick pelts..
  13. Got this guy after we got a couple nutria..
  14. I use the meat for the dogs and for trapping coyotes..
  15. I get a ton, this coming month will be the good one I think, I will let u guys know how the season is going..
  16. Heading down there sometime next year after bobcat/otter season is over, should be a a good time..
  17. A couple of nutria I got this week, dug to one got the other in the brush, dogs did well and the nutria are startin to come back into the smaller ditches as the fall grass seed crop is starting to come up.. Got a job hunting and trapping them as I just moved to were I hunted in years past.. Dogs will be getting a workout this year for sure!!
  18. to kill coon u need a larger dog but just to work them well samall is ok if the style is there and u dont care how pretty their face is haha, my best I have had was a 11lbs bt@#.. She was great at them and was nuts and never came off, she was missing all her front teeth most of both ears and a lot of her nose, she was stolen from a buddies in Idaho..
  19. Interesing read for sure, I just use my Lurchers for the bolters and to do the heaving lifting, my terriers are small but never had a problem hunting them, but I do mostly only underground work.. Never seen a cross work but the ones I seen were to big for me or to small, to big for ground and to small and slow for runnin big game.. I would like to see some work for sure!!
  20. I was just out running the lurchers on snowsho0e hares and maybe a lil hoof work, was not expecting a dig that day.. But is was kinda nice as the set was huge and had a ton of bolt holes, even with that many we still had 4 bolt..
  21. all good here guys.. got this one this winter.. 2hrs to ground.. Was HARD on the dog for sure and it was a little one..
  22. My stag cross is about 25-26tts, and the greyXpit/airedales are 23tts and 26tts..
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