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About bullseye

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    the orion belt
  1. great contribution to this post. fantastic !
  2. bein that you cant course f**k all in the daytime any more.
  3. the lamp is the best thing for keeping a dog fit.
  4. have a quick look on here mate http://www.basc.org.uk/en/games-on/topnav/recipes/hare-recipes/
  5. cheep, the whole meal came to 95 p my stinge bag wife has just informed me. lol
  6. Caught 3 bunnies the other night with my little bitch, after last week making a rabbit curry which went down well ( jalfrezi mixed with dopiaza Jars ), thought id try a casserole. Just used 2 sachets of chicken chassuer, carrots, onions an away we went. slow boiled the rabits for a couple of hours, pulled the meat off added to the mix with some home made chips. My 13 month lil girl polished hers off as did my 7 an 8 year old the wife an I loved it. Gave the rest to the neighbour who was well chuffed. In my opinion why waste 4 or 5 quid for some force raised production line excuse of a chick
  7. Hi, I really want to get into Saluki greyhounds,and as i have mainly had bullcross's I wondered what the cross of the two generally turns out like ( Saluki-Grey to Bull-grey). So I would appreciate any feedback on the matter. thanks
  8. I have had good results with gsd's but nothing has worked better than a well trained american bulldog. I was trained by an army dog handling instructor. Once you get the basics into them they will work well. but you need to spend a lot of time getting the recall right or you might well end up in jail.!!
  9. would appreciate some pics mate, i love this cross and have hed some myself.
  10. Have had the bitch for 3 weeks, in which i have given her all the time i can to bond and get her in shape. I appreciate your post vin Thanks
  11. Many thanks for your opinion, taken on board. I had a feeling only time and patientce could solve this problem, frustration from last night made me wake up and think back to the drawing board. So i thought a shout on here wouldn do any harm. Will update in the coming weeks. best wishes
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