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Everything posted by WHITEYrs4

  1. Nice pup hope she does you well
  2. Thanks but pork chop is right, you are like a chink!! I know i just cant stop once I start clicking . I Think i need to see some one about it Hhaha
  3. labsnlurchers is going today hope she takes her camera because they are showing the dogs, I did want to go up there today but had to much to do!
  4. SHOPPING !!! I hope alan got a big F..ING WALLET a burger was £350 NO i got to be fair there was 1 or 2 bargains there with clothing but if I was u id take ur own food
  5. Some of the pics from today if anyone or their dogs see theirselves in any of the photos and want them removed them please let me know ljs 1984 that dog of yours is like a bolt of flipping lightning phil_h your dog is a big bullie and thats why he keeps getting disqualified! ha! ha! only joking mate a cracking dog and hope u all the best with him. Trapper25 lovely little dog u got there boyo and that little jack russell u got is a cracker! my boy and ryfud ljs 1984 dog BIG BAD BEAR PHILH DOG SEXY PORK CHOP AND JED HAHAHHA TRAPP25 DOG
  6. Thanks Boyo!! il get some pics up after of the show . and Pork Chop you owe me £50 for a vet bill where your dog tried to kill my ryfud HAHAHAAHA SWANSEA Boys well done nice dogs and FAST)))>>>>
  7. We on our way up there in about 10 min see you all up there
  8. Nice pics are they your dogs in Picture 417? no thay are mine lol Nice dogs
  9. Whats this show like? This is a good 1 much BIGGER then the caerfilli one
  10. kristian you can see the judge judging my dog Ryfud and i think thats? labsnlurchers?
  11. lasat year we whent on the sat and sun but im only going to the saturday this time.
  12. probably see me up the monmouthshire show good day out up there
  13. Are u the one who come in the ring and asked me what competition it was and I said dogs over 23, I think your dog had a ripped eye?
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