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About sheepworrier

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 04/01/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    S Wales
  • Interests
    Shooting, hunting and the countryside in general
  1. One does so like a lady that knows her place !!
  2. Sorry no link to the vid as i can't find it Worth the time to read the following again. HE MADE THIS SPEECH IN NEW YORK .. The Plan! ? Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says 'I love New York ' in Arabic. Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message. Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!) 'I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan.' 1) 'The US / UK / AUSTRALIA will apologize to the world fo
  3. thats another fine looking party i've missed out on, cheers guys
  4. Hello Darren, I'm down the road a bit off jct 37 M4 Cornelly, I reload 243 in 70 & 87 grain. If you fancy a look/try at my setup your more than welcome. I'm no expert but competent at what I do, Regards Dave
  5. You could try wales & west country sports lee 01656 743800 www.southandwestcountrysports.co.uk
  6. fell of my bike in an enduro, broke my leg, layed in a puddle with the bike on me for 6 weeks (15 mins) landrover ambulance comes over the hill slides on the mud n shite that helped me fall off and runs over me, 6 weeks in traction and 6 months off work, I no longer ride bikes and run when I see an ambulance
  7. On a different thought pattern, we're there for "western security" ie: UK, so if all the troops were pulled out there would be no maimed or dead soldiers/airmen. all the spare troops could then be involved in homeland security at the airports or ports stopping all these toe rags getting into OUR country. Spleen vented, but not such a bad idea, (mine anyway) regards
  8. £13.50 for 17 gr hornadays, £ 9 in kenfig hill with a nice chat & a brew, they have a good selection, give them a ring, talk to Lee (rifle ammo) regards Dave
  9. I shop on a regular basis there as its on my doorstep and is a better service than the "robbers up the road". I just bought a new tikka t3 lite along with various other bits and bobs from phil & tina, brilliant service with a smile & a very nice brew to boot!!
  10. Kosovo 1999, she couldn't stand me at first 'cos of the stink (next to the makeshift cremation site) been married 8 years now. no kids just 2 cockers, Fu*& send me back to Kosovo !!!
  11. I'm trying out the same load type at the moment it's not a bad setup at all . While we're on the subject, where's the best re-loading equipment suppliers in wales or near. Cheers Dave
  12. forgot to add both cz/brno models. bolts are exactly the same except for the fireing pin spring strength, it cycles round it fires the action but not enough strength to deform the rim on cartridge, bugger
  13. Going out for a skulk with the 22rf last night, grabbed bolt, bullets, rifle,car keys and off i went double checked I had everything okey dokey off a hunting we shall go. Got to grounds loaded up started skulking, see rabbits take aim pull trigger. CLICK try again CLICK said rifle Bollocks !! says I. Checks magazine OK check ammo, slight strike mark on rim. Then the penny dropped this bolt looks a bit new for the 22, on closer inspection it's only for the .17hmr now did I feel a right plonker Assumption is the mother of all f**k ups lesson learned no more school boy errors !!!!
  14. Cheers for your help Colin, its seems that I've got one of those models, and not much too be done. new one it is then bugger!
  15. Cheers for the replies guys, I don't know the number for dragon, and looking at it, it doesn't seem to be strippable so if your not too far away from bridgend I'd like to take you up on that Colin.
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