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About wesm

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  • Location
    Ontario, Canada

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  1. I know it's winter when a day at -5C seems to be balmy, in fact, almost shortsleeve weather. Don't get me going on the snow (30cm of snow to slog through yesterday).
  2. Lord B, You might want to check some of the knife forums before you make a purchase. There are lots of knives out there of exceptional quality at that price point (lots well under that price as well). I would suggest trying (delete these if I'm not supposed to post links to other forums - no spamming is intended): A most amusing knife forum (I'm a mod over there): http://www.jerzeedevil.com/forums/ (note: not for the faint of heart or easily offended - you have been warned - lots of UK folks on there as well) One closer to home for you folks: http://www.britishblades.com/h
  3. Pick away. I should be able to help you with Ontario but the other provinces will be a bit of a stretch.
  4. TOMO, that has to be some kind of fun.
  5. Most impressive shooting, sir, most impressive.
  6. You have to apply to keep ammo in your home? Yikes. I realized you had severe restrictions on firearms but this is going a bit too far. Now I can see where the politicians are getting their ideas from for Canada.
  7. Hello everyone. Wes from Ontario, Canada here. Hunter, fisherman, and soon to be rabbit snarer. Looks like a great forum you have here. I am looking very forward to reading about the different sorts of things you fellows get up to while out in the bush (errr, well some of the things you fellows get up to in the bush anyways). After reading the Waters snare articles, I am very keen to get back out and see what I can snare for the pot. Hope to add a bit to the forum as I go along. Cheers, Wes
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