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Everything posted by fergie

  1. how old do they have to be? or can you get it done anytime
  2. not only is it too much jhassel but i think it is now illegal as you have to have certificates from the vet and before a vet will do it you need to have some proof of it beeing a working dog i.e sgc,fac game keeper ect but try on WWW.gundogclub.com i thinck thats right, there is a list on there, and what you need to do to be legal
  3. you can get them from ferret collars
  4. If you trained a bxer youll train a springer.Im biased Springer every time ESS variety thanks i was leaning twords a springer just not 100% on which one
  5. Which do would you recomend spaniel or flat coat retriever if the spaniel which one ie english ,welsh,brittany ect and why I have and do shoot with the flat coat retrievers on of whom is a breeder. I would like it to be able to pick up and flush mainly the labs do not do it for me at all. I am not worried about them being hard to train as i have gota Boxer and a staff and the Boxer was well shall we say not easyhow ever they both do the following when told sits,stays,heals,returns when called, rolls over barks when told to speak gives paw lect and right will not eat anything
  6. you can fill to about 190 mate
  7. I'm not in a rush butc would like to know where the best place for me to get twine/string for net making and draw cord also the rings cheers fergie
  8. I can't rember mate but the nets is due to not being aloud any knots in the the net
  9. Very true but unless you catch the eels yourself there not always available to buy in the shops. I'M a Yorkshire man living in Kent ant I personally don't think the tackle shops in Kent are as good as my old ones in the north Just my views its more carp orientated
  10. hey dougie mate my jill(fudge) was out the other day and when if you get the chance her brothers will do just fine mate
  11. yes thats right for a .177 its 13 and 35 .22 its around 10 like you say your best bet is to get targets set out from 8 to your max killing range and find your aim points on the wtc scope you should not have a zero change if you use the magnifacation. dry fireing a pcp is not as dad as a springer, in a springer you stretch the spring there is no spring in a pcp and in some modles like you say you need to cock it to remove the magazine, you could remove the magasine before you fire the last pellet i'm no EXPERT
  12. where abouts in kent are you? try the river mesway for pike and perch pike are in most rivers i find dead baits or stationary live baits work best this time of year as the water is cold and the pike like a free meal. perch maggots/ worms small fish or fish peaces pike makrel,fresh water fish, lampray,sprats,sardines chub worms, casters,bread,trout pellets,maggots,lunchon meat,sweetcorn,boilie,small fish and fish peaces,liver
  13. It was only a short trip as I had my 5 year old with me so it wasn't as quiet as I would have liked but still I put my polecat Jill down the firs warren and she did me proud she worked hard and bolted 2 we then moved in to the woods where there is a open warren lot more holes than I thought I netted 30 and the was at lease another 10- that needed netting I tried all my ferrets in this one not all at once though 1st was my castrated hop and he is/was not interested 1 bit the I tried my young polecat she’s 6 months hand she had a little go my other pole cat was having a spot of lunch and a
  14. no the shot count would be low per fi a rapid 7,mfr or a gaystate air ranger 30ftlb you can go to 40 i think or theres another make that go to 80ish but cann't rember there name
  15. cheers every one i have there food ready for the morning and will buy mine flask i don't drink hot drinks (shows a sign of weakness) no i don't like hot drinks will try the egg honey and milk next time as i don't have any honey
  16. hi fergie was you on a shoot beating then 50/50 we split in to 2 teams one beats and the other shoots we swap for every drive its only a little shoot but no i was only beating 50% of the time im just new to shotguns
  17. 44 pheasants 2 pigeons and a woodcock not all shot by me in fact hardly any but a great day anyway
  18. I have tryed to move them and i can't so it will do me
  19. ok thought i would ask for you advise do i have every thing i need to go tomorrow ? 4 ferrets, 30 purse nets, locator and 2 collars, spear batterys,spade,saw, knife,ferret box bag is that it oh yes and permision to go
  20. BOLLOCKS, you can do it yourself, i've just done one, piece of piss, it's on smoochers in Ferreting, under ferret collar repair, tried to put the link up.... ....to go straight there for you but it wont allow me for some reason. SINDASOX I have just done one and thought io would tell you all how i did it i cut the wax like stuff on the bottom and dug it out and the collar just pulled straight out how ever as i'm going tomorrow i haven't got time to get the leather collar so i used a collar of a harness i have glued it in place sealed it with wax and put some large shrink tubi
  22. can anyone tell me how to remove the transmiter from the collar to refit a new collar the transmiters work fine its just the leather collars are a bit worn cheers fergie
  23. yes I shoot phesant every saterday with a razzni no sure if thats how you spell it, i'm in Beverley over christmas so will go take a look in Brandsburton also there is a big clay ground near me here in kent but its exspensive even for the little things cheers for the help
  24. The only time I would now have a .22 is if I went FAC I have owned .22 in 12ftlb but thought I would give .177 ago and it just suits me. It’s a personal thing I think I have shot with people that use .22 and they have out shot .177 and vice versa You will find that you prefer to shoot with one or the other both are capable of target and hunting. How ever if I was using mine for close rats etc I would use hollow or flat head pellets and as I only take head shoots if I hit its dead if I miss then it lives for next time. A .20 and .25 I would not bother with as pellets are not as available or
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