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Everything posted by fergie

  1. the reason i ask is that i thought that this may be the coause of the hair loss in my other thread Medical Help
  2. Ok vet has no idea what it is so I guess it’s up to me well I have decided to give him a bath. I’m gonging to disinfect his whole hutch run and everything. I changed there bedding from cloth to hay around the same time so I will change that back and see what happens. Any other ideas would be great.
  3. is hay ok to use as bedding as I have just been told its not good for them? I was useing old t-shirts and towles
  4. Thanks he is only one year old
  5. One of my hob ferrets has a lot of hair loss and a sore on his leg. All my ferrets are cleaned out daily and handled daily, well exercised and they a fed a good diet. I use hay for there bedding. The thing is he shares his house with a jill that has no signs of this hair loss. He is active and eats as normal. He had a vasectomy around 8 weeks ago and I noticed a little patch then but thought it was where the vet had shaved him. However it seems to have got worse. None of my ferrets have fleas. If it was mites would my jill not show signs of it also? Any ideas anything I can do to help him or
  6. It takes a long time to get permit for army ground Evan if you are still serving mate. I got Rushmoor Arena lucky boy,Am I not. No it don't it took me all of 30 secounds (still serving)
  7. well she was on the phone to me and her next coment was they sleep alot don't they so i guess it is getting sleep
  8. it looked normal tome too but she says it is swllen compered to last night
  9. A friend of mine thinks her ferret Faz has swollen eye or eyes what do you think? The advice I gave here was to wipe it with a wet tea bag and if it dose not get any better see the vet. Do you more knowledgeable folk have any other advice. This is he
  10. I am willing to try spu polyester
  11. I have been making some purse nets and want to make some nylon ones, I already have some nylon ones i bought but they tangle very easaly and i was wondering if you could please give me a idea of what oz i should buy so it dose not tangle so much and where i can buy it from.
  12. I hve been making some purse nets and want to make some nylon ones, I already have some nylon ones i bought but they tangle very easaly and i was wondering if you could please give me a idea of what oz i should buy so it dose not tangle so much and where i can buy it from.
  13. the set up for an ajustable zig rig is basicly the same as a marker float set up
  14. I had one of my hods snipped 4 weeks ago how long is it before he can bring jills out of season? his wonds are all healed
  15. i suppose they could be in a bit of trouble if they come across a big old GRASS snake or an Adder
  16. My 3 year old castrated hob is a cracking worker and is the most lively fert in my run. Try yours together with one other ferret and see if he follows it into the hole. Give him a few chances but it might be "bye bye" time for him. Try to rehome to a pet home before the ultimate decision is made. D. It don't matter to me if he works or not. He will stay here with me and get just as much love and looking after as the others, I just wondered if it was due to him being castrated. But I guess its not that. Maybe he is just too well fed
  17. Ok I have 4 adult ferrets’ two hobs and 2 jills 3 will hunt no problems the two jills and the intact hob (now a hoblet ) the other hob was castrated before I got him, I took all four out with me last season and the castrated one was just not interested in going down any holes or hunting in anyway. But he will eat the rewards of the hunt no problem. Is it due to him having less testosterone/hormones? He is that soft he is curled up with two 8 week old kits that are going to new homes on Saturday.
  18. Lets say you put one on a ferret you lose this ferret while you are out, that ferret can no longer feed its self so it starves to death
  19. no its very posable your gun may fill from 0-200bar but it will have a sweet spot or an ideal presure most aa410 have one around the 90-190bar mark its nothing to worry about
  20. No white feet or bib i have 3 of this light colour 3 of the darker colour and 5 albinos annd a mix of jills and hobs in all three colours.
  21. the one on the right is an albino the one in the middle is a pole cat but the one on the left ? is it silver, sandy or just a light pole cat
  22. I tryed the frezzer packs but my adult jill just kept attacking it
  23. Well I moved my kits and mum out into a run out side as I thought it would be better for them being bigger. All was going fine until Saturday. I checked on them all one was still asleep in his nest box but something told me all was not well. So I removed him from his box, he was all limp in my hand I gave him a nudge all he did was twitch. I put some cool water on him and gave him fluids and some food and he perked up within 20-30 minutes. And the same happened yesterday I have 3 big bottles of water which the kits use and a big bowl of water. I have also put the garden parasol up over them.
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