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Everything posted by fergie

  1. Although I use Delkims tri a Company called ATTX his alarms are 100% water proof and shock proof ATTX WEBSITE I have the V2 system to go with my delkims and i can not fault it
  2. I dont mid getting wet i just wanted to know if the rabbits would bolt ok
  3. Is it worth going in the rain was looking at going tomorrow
  4. It was Roy who had it and who i bought her from but Pam also takes RSPCA ferrets
  5. I would try her all mine are like this and they all work
  6. On speaking to the bloke he said if he does not talke them then they are now putting them down as they can not re home them
  7. One of my ferrets escaped the other day; it had to be my favourite one and one of my best workers. Well she was missing for 3 days after ringing the RSPCA I was told that a ferret of the following description had been found. As a beige, jill, with a pink nose. Well this sounds nothing like my jill as she is quite a dark polecat with an off pink nose. But she was found about around half a mile from my house. After a further conversation with the RSPCA it turns out this ferret was found in a bin and taken to the PDSA who gave it to the RSPCA who then handed it over to a ferret rescue centre. At
  8. fergie


    I have a mates (btas) fx cyclone at my house he bought it about a year ago I sent it back to BTAS as it would not cicle the magazine properly. and the cocking action felt like it wa grinding any way it came back cicling the mag but the grinding feeling is still there for the money i will stick with my hw100k no two ways about it. I have also owned a rapid and could not fualt it.
  9. Is there anyone in kent that would be willing to let me tag along on one of your hunting trips. I can travel no probs and am willing to help out any way i can. and if intrested i recoun i could sort out a bit of ferreting or possibly a bit of other hunting.
  10. fergie


    Yes I had the best day I have had in a very long time. I will be reading as much as I can on them and do in my research. So that by the time I am in a position to own and fly one of these magnificent hunters I’m ready
  11. As some of you may know i get free cockerals to feed to my ferrets and all i do with these is throw them in as they are guts feathers and all. but for some reason i always seem to gut my rabbits in the field where they are shot or caught. However i have a few in my freezer that have not been dressed so for the very first time i have fed them a whole rabbit guts and all i was just thinking of the above question?
  12. fergie


    Wow What a Day It all started at 10 am when I arrived a Leeds castle (in Kent not Leeds). O met my Hawking instructor mark at the gat and we made our way to his office where I received a glass of campaign, we had a quick chat and signed the disclaimers and the like and we where off. To start the day I was given a tour of all the birds with a short bit about them add as we walked, then it was flying time to start with we took the eagle owl out. What a funny little chap he was, he sort of plodded along behind us and kept flying on to my glove ever so often. Then we took the barn owl out
  13. Wow one of mine suffers from it but he never looses that much hair off it
  14. Don't feed to many eggs. They'er not good for ferrets i belive they can cause hair loss
  15. she was the spit of yours in the picture apart from there was no whit above her eyes I under stand what your saying and i have anothere jill that is marked nearly the same like i said I don't care if sh is or isn't she is going to turn out to be a great little thing
  16. Well I had a litter of 11 kits we got rid of 10 and kept a hob. After they had gone we had a couple ring up they had rescued one from an abandoned house. they had taken it to a lady that told them it was fine so they called me to try and get him a mate, the couple brought him round and straight away I knew he was under weight it had ticks and fleas to I washed him, front lined him and cut his nails gave them some advice on feeding him and they went away happy. the next day the phone rings and its them asking if I would go look at some ferret kits with them so I agreed and on arrival I knew the
  17. I guess Virgin and sky should talk then as THEY BOTH DO THE SAME THINGS SKY + VERGIN +
  18. No but then i would not like to live in a hutch/court/cage or put down a rabbit hole eaither but we arn't talking about me
  19. Can i start my long net the same way i start a purse net on a ring?
  20. Well I have been thinking, after reading that people who feed there dogs on the BARF diet often miss a day's feed. So there dogs can fully digest ect. I wondered if anyone on here misses a day’s food with there ferrets every week or month? I guess that for all those who feed solely on a raw meat diet because its natural then is it not natural that a wild ferret / polecat would not get to eat every day? I will point out that my ferrets are feed on both raw meat and dry food (James welbeloved)
  22. fergie


    Bullshit i go out with my air rifle lamping rabbits, everthing changes due to it being dark its great SPORT
  23. has anyone had a price for these yet as i have sent a pm to titchy ages ago and no reply
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