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Everything posted by Drey-Raider

  1. Forgive me for asking an obvious one. Where I live we are in an area with land banked up at the back of the house. this is regularly set on fire and the back garden fills with smoke. Is this any place for a HH? especially in close proximity to the smoke itself. Please reply with advice as this may be the make or brake of the mews and Bird :sick:
  2. Are they that agressive or do you keep them that way for natural behaviour?
  3. Cheers, love the pic of KiKi, is she new?
  4. Hui guys, I have yet another question. What is a good age to buy the bird? I have benn told no less than 13 weeks but no more than 16 weeks, and yet somone else stated 6 weeks. Has anyone used a breeder in Tralee? if so what's he like? other than that where are the good breeders? ever at the mercy of your knowledgable selves. D/R
  5. Hi all I was speaking to a friend of mine yesterday and mentioned my plans to own a HH. He owns a pest control company and said I should give him a call when I get the bird, he uses a falconer but says the costs are soaring ['scuse the pun] Is this a viable consept given that it would be in built up areas etc? if so what are the implications of such a venture? Just as a thought!!
  6. cheers for that spar one for the memory bank, appreciate the info!
  7. I have a question for y'all. How do you know when your bird [ from creance training onwards ] is at the weight it should be before you let it fly free? Please don't "you just know" I need more than that before I watch my wifes' housekeeping fly off to a dot! Bless you
  8. The force is strong in you all......................
  9. nice to know there are people in the know out there, thanks
  10. Cheers for that, would underfloor heating or just a heat lamp in the Mews help speed things up . Or leave it to mother nature?
  11. Drey-Raider


    I have a question about moulting after reading a few posts. When do you know the bird is ready to be put down for moult and for how long do you leave them? and do they sit for weeks in the wild? just curious!
  12. I'll do just that, I'm itching to get to it, but treading a carefull path laced with egg-shells at moment, (self employed, father of three with no spare cash type egg-shells). The club is in Rotherham and I've been warmly invited on the 16th April. heads bursting with questions!!!!!! Is it rue about siting a mews under a tree not being a good idea though, as this would mean a shift in layout plans? DR
  13. Sorry to butt in folks, but I've been all over the site looking for any posts of advice for any good dvd's of Harris Hawks. I am in the planning stage of the mews and am invited to a club to hopefully join in April , but I tend to learn by watching and taking part, can any of you point me to a good teaching dvd? DR tried to upload a pic of an eagle for you if it works enjoy, took it whilst on hols in Suffolk..........
  14. Sorry for the late response, that centre is really close to me. thanks for that!! D/R
  15. Hi all, does anyone have an idea of where a good club or a place to get good advice/hands on teaching with Harris Hawks? I have decided to build a Breeze block Mews starting next year. During which time I'd like to tap into a good supply of Falconry know-how before I get the Bird later on in the year if not next. the one thing I've picked up so far is, to be 100% prepared before the bird arrives is paramount. So I'm up for the long way round if it means successful hawking. D/R
  16. Drey-Raider

    eyelet closer

    Hi there, I am pricing things up to get set up with a female Harris Hawk. I saw your post and came accross this item number at ebay. It's £6.99 plus P&P at £3.99 ish. item number - 280179966173 that is the buy it now price. does anyone have any surplus books they want to sell about getting started in Falconry? Bye for now!! D/R
  17. Hi all, thought i'd start with a brief intro. I have been mainly fly fishing as a hobby but have just took a sideways shunt by the thought of owning my own Hawk. I am new to most of the topics you all discuss but am excited about getting out there. I'm keen to pick up starting tips from anyone about Harris Hawks, I will be starting preparations in the spring after we've bagged enough squirrel to last the winter out? Happy Hunting to everyone and i'll post again as the fun unfolds. [not even got a full profile edited yet], it's 6:45am and I'm off to raid dreys................
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