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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. just playing i recon,mine do the same! ide recomend offering a fist ,saves the didgits that way!
  2. the ferret,doing what she loves best! no conie this trip as it was more of a trip out for the kids learning how to set purse nets,long nets and snares!
  3. so what characteristics does the bedlington blood give? also arent they the dogs with the silly pom pom ears? i noticed the chap in the warrener video uses a bedlinton lurcher cross,and if a travler uses it i supose it must be good!
  4. well when a rapid drops in me lap,all gratis like ille give it a go! tell you what though the ol catapult does a good job of old john risby!
  5. as for the tying kit unless you know the art well and what is needed you could do a lot worse than the tarter kits on e-bay for about £30.00.
  6. seems an age ago now as i sit here infront of the fire! but heres a pic from earlier this year.I had poped over to shearwater for an hours carping,the fish were hungry ! i was just fishing within 6 foot of the bank with floating crust on a size2 raptor hook.lost one landed 3 .
  7. ime impressed with that mirror!
  8. i know a chap ( ) who does it often! its easy just be aware of silohuetting(sp?) yerself ,keep low to the bank remember salmon are damn strong so ensure the snare is secued to a bit of para cord and tied to yer wrist! a rabbit snare or a leather bootlace will suffice,this method has in the past accounted for up to 5 silver bars in a night! oh yes if its done at night attach a nearly dead starlight to the noose to help see whats going on!
  9. i have been giving serious thaught to getting a lurcher for rabbiting, ime not one to rush into dogs or tattoos! so what shouldi look for in a lurcher?(yes i know about 4 legs!!!) would a rescue dog be any good? or a retired racing dog?
  10. fishfish


    quote] yes i had it chronoghraphed 9.96ft lbs but i was told there not a hundred per cent that power level should be enough for all quarry yer after,unless ofcourse yer off big game hunting in south africa!
  11. i occasionally shoot rats with a BSA meteor,i recomend a wad cutter pellet what ever gun yer using.
  12. cut my teeth on one of those! brill guns,mine never had a but pad but as a teen i wanted to look cool so i cut a piece of kip mat and evo sticked it in place!
  13. the brown stuff is leather hand stitched,the red rubber elastic is got off ebay for a fiver.
  14. inspired by the 'warrener,ways of the old poachers 2' dvd i set to making a catty ,i have stacks of antler in my shed and luckilly one of them that my mate paul sent me was a perfect shape! it fits in the hand well and all i had to do was some cutting and sanding including a pad hollowed out for my thumb.as you can see i opted not to drll the tops for the elastic but instead make leather straps that are wetted and streached ,then sewn into place,theyll not budge! i dealy the rubers push through and are tied off with a caple tye,here theyre just pushed through for the pic.i intended to sell thi
  15. on here ime known as fishfish,but on most ime known as fish,maybe weve met before. ime into most countryside stuff,my main aim is to provide some meat for the family(4 boys!) and a by-product of which is a good deal of fun.i trap and shoot with an airgun mostly for conie but occasionally i manage a pheasant or two.I also fish ,sea,course and game,although to be honest ime not allways successfull!! . i am quite artistic and make many things most of which are commisioned by customers. i make custom knives,engave glass,tie flys,make traditional fishing floats,walking sticks,leatherwork,and scr
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