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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. oh! that type of coon!!!!!! do you know anyone who sells coon skins?
  2. never seen it myself ,it may be a wind up,but remember theyre all edible! i was told by a squaddy that served in yugoslavia,that in the besieged towns everything got eaten,all the pets rats and wild birds.
  3. ive been in the butchery biz for 20 yearsnever heard of a 'lamp'!thats the going rate at a butchers for belly,shop about and you should manage £2.00 per KG.try market butchers.
  4. ille buy the animal calls one,how much?
  5. mmmmm summer days fishing! nothing like it eh?
  6. wow sound great! so when can i come and carry yer guns on a shoot!
  7. with a bit of luck one will chomp on a surfer!
  8. now taken pending colection,thanks to all the many of you who have shown an intrest. surplus to requirements,work well.are sisers. ime on the wilts,somerset,dorset boarder.
  9. fishfish

    Very lucky.

  11. you bet ! and theyre even better cold in a frash bit o french stick with mayo and wild rocket!
  12. how much are you asking? and what details of parentage,age of dog,has it had vaccines,is it trained to walk to heel,get on with kids and cats,general temprament,does it shit in the house or is it house trained,rip open bin bags ,or yap all day if left alone?
  13. if you realy want to save a huge fortune buy from 'BASS-PRO' in the states get the real thing for 1/5th of the e-bay price.
  14. "i want 2 mate my dog" 'kinell! wrong forum mate!
  15. you realy do need to trya free range bronze or a Norfolk black turkey,not in the least bland or dry,ime afraid if a bird is kept indoors in mass production BM style sheds they will tast like their surroundings.........shite! the fox got ours this year so i will be having a nice wild goose!
  16. as no doubt many of us know the wild boar population is growing at an alarming rate,another colony of them has been found in devon of about 12 animals.As far as ime aware (and ime hoping theres an expert here!) they were not sheduled as a native species and so were not among the animals that were aforded protection of the said act.so can they be legally bowhunted? shock horror! relax theres a big group of bowhunters in the UK most of us have to travell abroad to do so!
  17. after a number of years of giving it up ive started tying flies again and ime trying to get some feathers and furrs together,could anyone spare any wings from game birds magpies (or magpie center tail feathers)or jays?squirell tails,stoats tails etc? i would gladly cover the cost of postage. thanks,
  18. has anyone a link to some pics? i sure would like to see it! ive allways wanted to catch a salmon over 20lb! i once saw a huge one in the Avon in salisbury,i recon over 3 feet long closer to 4!
  19. you are a bunch of bad boys! and some i even recognise! it goes on i supose,traditional country hunting aka poaching that is! of course ide never do such things! i gave used a starlight just above a mepps when out spinning for trout though! quite efective! a pal of mine has a set of glow in the dark lures which apparently are illegal! ido find that if its illegal it usually means it works!
  20. why thank you foxyjo! hello said! so where are you now?
  21. might i add that a realy good yeast to use is a SHERRY yeast,its very tolerant to alchohol levels,and so reaches far higher alc contents in yer wines. as for the cider question,quite simply the answer is yes,use proper 6+% scrumpy ,the west country cider brandy manufacturers do just this,Bulmers museum in hereford does it on sit at the museum,40pints of scrumpy makes i believe half a pint of cider brandy,it realy is good stuff,waitrose sell it. the french make the same product illicitly,they call it calvados,they make theirs however from the fermented apple pulp that is left from making the '
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