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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. may be a pain but 4 is a meal! yummmmmmmmm
  2. heres a couple of recipes for badger ham: dry cure rub for badger gammons: 2lb salt, 6 cloves,* 12 bay leaves,* 8 table spoons juniper berries,* 8 table spoons thyme,* 1 table spoon black pepper corns,* 2 table spoons dark brown sugar, * grind to a course look. then mix all together,this cure can benifit from leaving for a couple of days for the salt to drawout the juniper ,but i have used it streight away.this amount of rub should do up to 6 loins,or more! wet brine per gallon. 1 gallon water, 1 cup salt, 12 bay leaves, 1 table spoon whole black peperc
  3. well done thaat man! where on chesil were you? and what bait? it was damn cold last night yer a brave chap!
  4. just got 60 for £20 from a mates farm,ide say 15 are fit for parts.not parting with them though! i have allready picked up 9 this year from e-bay,so keep an eye open!
  5. fishfish


    parrafin used to be used on nits so i cant see why it shouldnt work on crabs!
  6. chub and the pike will readily take lures! ive had some memorable chub on floating plugs! lures are good fun as yer mobile and can hunt the fish much as a fly fisher would. as for bait,by far the finest bait i have found for chub is crayfish tails! cooked or raw,its a dead cirt killer! and as for pike its hard to beat a live or dead goldfish! what ever you do good luck and have fun!
  7. ive just baught a job lot of old juby's,anyone still use them?
  8. addmitedly by accident! the government announced this week that it has given ,in principle, the go ahead for inshore wind fams allround the british coast,at more than 6 times cheaper than off and deep water wind farms these are the way forward,and obviously pay for themselves within a considerably short time,saving cost and the enviroment. There has been widespread critisizm of the scheme amongst the inshore comercial netting fleet,saing that the wind farms would drasticly reduce their netting area. Ecologists on the other hand have applauded the govenment for their actions stati
  9. personally i wouldnt freeze them,maybe saute them in clarified butter and glazed with a citrus and safrom jeux,served on a bet of wild rice......................
  10. well done a good day that! nice pics too! what are the runners?
  11. thanks Mad al! its a nice bit of kit if do sayso myself! look good on a rottys collar..............
  12. made by me and now its for sale on evil bay! so grab a bargain! for sale as the kids want oranges and lumps of coal for christmass,want want want ,todays kids eh! in my day............... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=017
  13. thanks for the suportive posts,i was a bit worried about posting it!
  14. cod pollack flounder dogs. good luck.
  15. idealy in a horse box,if you dont have one a high sided trailer will do with a tarp over the top.i usually pay someone i know to use their horse box with meat! the slaughter house will butcher the whole thing for about £20 ,as ime a butcher i usually just get mine back cut down the middle into 2 halves.
  16. now if you have the freezer space the way to save nearly 70% on the cost of lamb and pork isto buy from the farmer direct and take to slaughter yerself! contact DEFRA for a holding number,tell them that you are only wishing to buy from market and streight to slaughter. i can buy a whole pig for £40.00 slaughter charges £12.00 so for under £60.00 i have £150.00 worth of pork,and by the time ive made hams,bacon,panccetta sausages brawn etc the total value is closer to £250.00!
  17. Thanks for the offer, it looks a good knife but I've already ordered one from SWC. Out of interest what steel do you use for the blades? the one in the picture is 100% made of recycled materials,the blade is cut by hand from a circular saw blade,its a realy good quality steel,the handle was a table leg,the tubular pins were brass brakepipes,the liners a dvd case! still a lot of work involved!
  18. i agree,and being oneof the lightest in weight its a good gun,its accounted for many meals in this family!
  19. bit of a rant realy.i have for the last few years been desperate to get on one of the local shoots as a beater,a mate sugested contacting a well known beaters and pickers up association,which i did they then politely pointed out that theyed be happy to help with getting me on a shoot if i joined,so i did now i find tht theyed be all too happy to get me beating on a shoot all i have to do is put my hand in my pocket ro pay a furthur £60.00 for a course on beating.now call me a sinique (sp?) but this just seems to be a way of screwing money out of folk with the promise of a placement!and if i
  20. its up to £15.00! still a bargain though eh? bit outa my league,ille have to make do with my diablo!
  21. for sale on e-bay a bargain to be had bysome one! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:IT&ih=017
  22. i have baited rabbits succesfully,clar a small section of wild grass with some round-up,then plant with a couple of handfulls of alfaalfa.they cant resist it they ill actually make their way to it i did a section 5foot by 15 foot and had over 20 rabbits on it one morning.
  23. my ferts wont eat pollack or whiting they do however loce roach,rudd trout,eel etc.afterall it is a natural food for them!
  24. Lord b ille make one for you ,heres a recent one i made: £100.00 all in!
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