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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. Why not? no isult intended! as a child in the 70's i had an accute bovine allergy which naturally meant no cows milk.At that time you couldnt buy it in supermarkets or cornershops,in fact if you asked you just got a glazed look! anyhow social services had a register of goat keepers producing milk,but it was suplied frozen in plastic bags by some well meaning folk.problem being that when it defrosted it separated into green tinged water and curds,it was revolting! one time we had a batch that tasted of onion as the goats had got onto the chaps veg patch!
  2. ide never make the poor buggers suffer that stuff!
  3. know what you mean,all the tackle shops are geared up for those glorified campers !!!!! shame realy i remember when the tackle shop didnt smell of boilies and actually sold stuff you needed,when was the last time you saw float making stuff in a tackle shop or yarn for making yer own nets?!!!
  4. some good pics! ere decker,what do you do with the tails of those squirells? ide buy them off you!
  5. thanks for the info folks ,i didnt realise that theyre intolerant to the milk,they so love it! the tinned sardines is a good idea! i gavw them some salmon scraps from a fish i filleted they loved that! in the summer i put a few roach in a padlingpool,shouldv seen them grab thase buggers! one quick crunch on the head to kill it then off for more! i guess this is good enough excuse to be out with the airgun bagging rooks and the like!
  6. to get the sinews outa the legs when i was in the butchery trade we would carefully cut through the skin just above the knuckle then plase the bird so the nuckle was 2 inches over the table leg,then hit ot with the heal of yer hand or a heafty steel,once the bone is snapped just clamp a mole grp on the knuckle and turn several times till the sinews break free and come off with the nuckle.
  7. when i made them for a farm shop i used 1 beef oxo per kg of meat and a splash of port ,also grind and mix in 6 juniper berries per kg.
  8. With all this cold weather my ferts are using so much more energy to keep warm,their normal diet doesnt seem to fatten them up,ive been giving them warm full fat milk with a bit of sugar in it,is this ok? what do you do?
  9. hey fergie yer forgetting eel section! thats a killer for pike! also worthy of trying for pike is the fish 'keebab'1hair rig a small piece of each of eel,lamprey,mackerel and trout.
  10. i had 6 mallard last week and an aylesbury!
  11. ITS NOT THE SIZE ITS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT!!! wow i know some local coppers that could do withsome balls like that!
  12. you guys are providing the anti's with entertainment! all this arguing is what they want!
  13. the outlines allways the worst! the colouring in isnt bad at all! nice ink mate!
  14. well done that man! no turkey for you then!
  15. and the chances of the old bill coming out into a field in the middle of no-where when the towns and villages are full of drunks causing trouble are zero! if you have ever needed a copper and called youll know what i mean,our local force averages 5-10 days on a 999!
  16. its fab meat mate,if you ever get a chance buy some! and wild boar sausages are yummy too!
  17. thanks guys,every now and again i get the urge to write something up!
  18. so what exactly is being proposed? and do you realy think the PM will care how many people sign? all that will happen is the government will jump on the band waggon of the next child shot with an airgun ,and whilst the public are hyped up ,bring in new laws. i agree totally with dealing with louts with the airguns but once the government decide something thats it! we realy dont live in a democracy.
  19. i dont claim to be an expert in any way or form, but i have found that dogs are individuals,we have a border collie,very obedient but scatty as fcuk! ive ad them before that were less than obedient and were quiet and quite un exciteable!
  20. I thaught ide share with you a codding trip from a couple of winters ago.it was a particularly cold snap in january,dropping down to -5 at night but bright and dry.I had read in the sea angler magazine that cod were showing on the south coast,and more importantly on a section of chesil that is great for a winters bash,west bexington. luckily that saturday was due a hightide during the afternoon,so i decided that that was the ideal day. The night before ,isettled infront of the fire and made up some traces ,and checked my tackle,making sure the shockleader knot was looking ok ,a spot of su
  21. Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:36 am Post subject: Still think he's real.... AN E.U INQUIRY INTO THE SANTA CLAUS PHENOMENON ..... or, the Physics of Christmas As a result of an overwhelming lack of requests, and with research help from a renowned scientific journal, I am pleased to present the following scientific inquiry into Santa Claus. 1. No known species of reindeer can fly; however, there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified. Most of these are insects and germs, but this does not completely rule out the possibility of flying reindeer.
  22. yer more than welcome! one bird or two?
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