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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. seatrout 4lb,2 x brownies 2lb12oz and 2lb,all on upstream hovis fly! :smt005
  2. heres a nice roach i caught a while ago,about a pound,i fished for 2 hours and bagged 26lb of them ,the best being 2lb in weight! all on sweetcorn,using a home crafted porcupine quill float.
  3. christ ive opened a pandora's box of mother in law jokes! god save us!!!!!
  4. i just rattle a bread bag that brings em steaming in from all directiond down the park!!!!!!!! ive seen some ornate calls ,do any of you guys collect them or have any pics to share?
  5. ime afraid if i lived any where near him he'd be in the freezer!
  6. ide like to olige with the shoe requests,but i dont want to upset cloe ive been working hard on being 'mates' for a while!
  7. not botthered but ide like to see em get em down!!
  8. and couldnt help re aranging the chairman of the parish councills lighting display!
  9. but next doors two teen age girls had a roudy party last night,and this was the scene that met my eyes when i opened the curtains this morning!!!!
  10. cheers mate! ime also looking to buy snipe,woodcock and teal wings ,so if any of you are out tomorrow.............
  11. couldnt bring myself to shoot this one! :smt008 :smt008 :smt008 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023
  12. nice one! jammy sod! and no brambles to ensnare yer nets!
  13. ide like to make special thanks to my dear mother in law! who took the time and effort to select for me a coffie perculator..........................from her own kitchen! complete with dusty oily grime on top and mouldy coffie grounds in the fiter!!!!!! 10/10 M i L!!!!!!! heres to you 'mum'!!!
  14. cheers mate ! its a nice cozy pic ,the more you look the more you see! seen whats out the window? .....ille just grab me bow...................
  15. i may be a toser but ime definitely an old poacher! merry christmas to all of you.
  16. dont worry ime not that generous with my mackerel!
  17. same to you too from all at fish HQ!
  18. ille give the mackerel a try ive got 30lb in the freezer!
  19. nice work guys! i have on occasion snared the wee tree rats! have you guys ever tried the method in Lofty Wisemans SAS survival guide? just find a stout stick 5 or 6 feet long,then tie a dozen or so snares all round and along the length then simply lean it against a tre!
  20. fishfish

    goat cull

    congratulations that man! fancy selling a set o them billy horns?
  21. you know ,i havent ferreted at night for ages! when i was a lad we used to do it all the time! there was a group of us that all lived on the same council estate and went to the same school,occo,bert,gubby and myself would often be out on a school night poaching,sometimes it was trout sometimes eels occasionally game birds,but our favoritewas going up onto 'the old castle' old sarum near salisbury,it was and still is infested with rabbits,never once needed to dig the rabbits just kept bolting ! we only had 20 nets between us so more escaped than we ever got! on the way home we allways passed bu
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