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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. buy the catty instead and ille throw in a pair of nutcrackers!!!!
  2. stopped here to! doh!
  3. all my own handi work! hand cut and stitched to my own design.
  4. superb!!!!!!by what method?bow?
  5. nice fish what wasthe weight? 3 1/2lb ?
  6. its heading yer way pat! :ok:
  7. Thanks mate! great fun making them too!
  8. it is being listed on e-bay,but if a member wins i will post and pack for free upon pm on here.DONATORS WILL BE GIVEN A FURTHUR 10% OFF THE WINNING PRICE. This is a hand crafted custom catapult and holster / pouch .The catapult has been carved from a single piece of buffalo horn and then polished to a high sheen.for ease of fitting with either tubular or square elastic it has been fitted with top grade hand stiched leather anchor points.also the but is capped with polished brass plate.elastics are available online from a number of retailers. The leather holster embellished with a top qua
  9. fishfish


    finally the south wiltshire gets some snow!!!! and it realy is rare here!we have had 2 inches in one hour!
  10. makes my blood boil! we send millions of pounds of our taxes to prop up bloody nigerian government,youd think theyed do their best to stop their citizens pissing us off ! cut their right hands off ! they do it for a lot less in those god forsaken countries. i sort of apologise if this offends but its early i have a tooth ache and my coffie is cheap!(fair trade nigerian no doubt!)
  11. twas the first fish i ever caught! i love plugging for them,great fighters!
  12. i use cat or ferrett bicuits. ime worried apot offering that tube stuff on the end of my finger!
  13. well done mate! good first attempt! good feeling aint it!
  14. bit of a cheek making yer first post and calling a member a liar! still clearly you know sod all about the subject.
  15. follow yer intstincts.if you have given yer address out get the dogs micro chipped.fast.
  16. ever heard of 'pecking order'? chickens have a social status,some hang around the doors and wont let 'lesser' birds out.this hapens at free range egg producers too.
  17. serious guys ! this fish was caught 7 miles above salisbury ,the avon is known for its run of salmon and seatrout christmas week.it would only have a kype if it was a male i believe! as for the bread bait it was! the place where i caught it is full of big browns and are fed by a lot of folk feeding the swans and ducks,i guess they remember that when they return! it isnt a one off fish either,i caught a smaller one of 2lb the week before in the city. and no rod was involved
  18. as reported in the angling press: After years of waiting, the 6lb barrier has been broken with this masive record-breaking 6lb 2oz River Thames perch caught by Robert Townsend, from Banstead in Surrey. Witnessed and weighed in a plastic bag, using Fox Digital scales, this perch has potentially smashed the previous record of 5lb 15oz, held by Les Brown. This is the first time that a river has thrown up a perch that has the statistics to break the record. It was caught on a gudgeon livebait, floatfished within a London marina. well done that man
  19. as welcome as a fart in a space suit! (Dave allen) wouldnt give a chilvers dag! (i think HFW made this one up!) if she were a duck sheed sink! = a woman of questionable virtue! bats for leiscestershire = gay could suck a golf ball through a garden hose! (a woman of extrordinary falatial prowess!)
  20. nice smoker mate,problem being its a hot smoker ,ie it will cook the meat whilst smoking.my 50 gal drum is also my trash burner! the drum is cleaned easily with hose and brush,the meat doesnt toutch it in any way,also the meat doesnt cook in it.
  21. craftwork,and my allotments.cooking and preserving.
  22. "the only way to make chickens truly healthy, tasty, and cruelty-free is for everyone to rear their own birds. that way you're in charge of what you're eating. but in our fast food culture, where everything is (literally) handed to us on a plate, how many people want to get their hands dirty, or even, god forbid, know truly what they're eating? isn't it all so much easier, safer & sanitized when it comes shrink-wrapped from tescos? " rearing yer own birds is the ideal way,but i costed mine and on 10 eating birds they worked out nearly a tenner per bird ! you would have to rear on
  23. hugh has lost his way. poor people dont have the luxoury of morals with regard to how meat was raised,for many families on the breadline these cheep chooks at tesco are the only affordable healthy meat,get rid of those and their kids will be braught up on burgers and other prosessed shite! all HFW is attempting to do is destroy an industry allready at its knees due to the supermarkets.i cant feed chooks to an age that i can kill them for meat for the same cost as an oven ready at tesco!my mate malcom is in the buisness of rearing these intensely reared chooks,he sells 500,000 birds every
  24. ille take some pics of some finished and cooked! i make it on a weekly basis as i sell it to friends and its so nice it doesnt hang around long! it keeps so well too i have some hanging in the kitchen that is still fine and its 4weeks old.
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