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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. got mine yesterday,its a top book! some fantastic drawings,clear and concise.anyone could make these with just a bit of common sence! for the price of a couple of ounces of baccy i recon its a bargain,if you havent got one get one! and if you dont like it ide be suprised!!!! itd sell on e-bay easy enough. it sits on the coffie table with the shooting mags,i may even buy another to use as a prize for a competition on my forum.
  2. its a mohamet orchid ,very rare and found in the marshes and wadi's of southeastern Iraq .thaught to be extinct for many years,it was re discovered by proffesor Niytsuj Drofnas from the moscow botanicle university in the late 1980's. incredibly the seeds are only produced once every 4 years all though it will flower yearly.the seeds will only germinate if they have passed through the gut of a camel and thus deposited near water in its own source of nutrients. I ancient times the nomadic marsh Arabs believed that a sprig placed under the birthing mat would cause a child to grow wise and be bl
  3. thats good going for this time of year mate well done!
  4. ide buy one for the right price! so how much are they each????
  5. a big wild boar was spotted not far from my place crossing the road that goes through some woods,apparently it was a big one! now what signes should a tracker watch for?
  6. pics like that realy make me want a running dog asap! weldone that chap!
  7. i am offering for sale 2 matching hand engraved glasses,both with a hare coursing theme.the glasses are about the right size for whisky tumblers,but would great on any mantle piece. all ime asking for these is £25.00 pluss £4.00 P&P to mainland UK and Ireland. thank you for looking.
  8. i am offering a discount of free postage to THL members on this item,it is listed on ebay ,heres the link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270209622778 a hand crafted custom high quality catapult. The catapult has been carved from a single piece of buffalo horn and then polished to a high sheen,embellished with a top quality 'harris' pewter rabbit.The prongs are capped with brass fittings. For ease of fitting with either tubular , flat bands or square elastic it has been fitted with top grade hand stiched leather anchor points,also the butt is capped with rosewood
  9. under the police and criminal evidence act a police officer may,without warent, enter any premises/property if he believes a crime is,has or is iminently about to be commited. I believe that there are some special conditions regarding liscenced premises within lawfull trading hours.
  10. i think it important to add that if you get arrested for hunting conie with dogs,go to the police station,get a solicitor.WHEN THE SOLICITOR POINTS OUT THAT YOU HAD PERMISSION AND WHAT YOU WERE DOING WAS PERFECTLY LEGAL,YOU WILL BE IN FOR COMPO FOR WRONGFULL ARREST!!!! this fact and based on reliable information. the police officer has a duty to ensure he is fully versed in the laws he is to enforce. i hope and pray for a wrongfull arrest,could do with the money!
  11. any good online scources of materials? i need everything as ime just begining!
  12. nice pics! i am in awe of you bird chaps!
  13. ime impressed! love the eagle with its wings one!
  14. hard to pictur the court from yer discription,can you post a sketch?
  15. i too was a fan of the show,i loved his shed! i based my forum on it! i loved it when he would be in the shed and he would have some bent bit of metal sent in by a viewer to identify,and jack would allways know! only 20 something episodes are on dvd,hundreds are 'lost'. take a look at this link http://www.jacksback.org.uk/ its a site all about the guy with a few clips and no end of trivia! did you know that appart from one occasion jack allways wore a blue shirt?!!!!
  16. Would have thaught youdv still caught some flounder as they make their way out! still a big rockling is good eating!
  17. superb fish any piker would be proud of! do you ever plug / lure fish for them?
  18. heard them all! pike is best as a jack of upto 4lb and from a chalkstream.then its palletable!
  19. excuse my ignorance but what the hell was down there that was worth that?
  20. KFC Kentucky fried conie! well done mate good bag,great pic!
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