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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. in the summer months i put half a dozen smallroach in a padling pool and wach the ferts catching them,great fun to watch and the ferets love it too!
  2. now that should be easy! one is an oily fish the other is a bird!
  3. its only 20 minutes from my place! ille be there! will there be a thl stall?
  4. or in kind!! i heard you carnish boys like that!
  5. there will be a comp on jacks shed shortly with one a s a prize.
  6. and from their post of thanks,ide say the recipiant was realy chuffed with such a smart catty!
  7. theyre about 4 inches mate,ime afraid they take too long to make to sell at a reasonable price! the brown trout took about 10 hours work all in all! but its a compliment well recieved!
  8. its carved from a piece of ash that fell 2 years ago opposite my cottage.
  9. heres a few i made recently: thanks for looking
  10. i expect mrs fish to do all that was expected of a woman in my grandmothers day. i do however do 90% of the cooking as ime an ex chef and can cook very well,but i expect her to clean,do the washing ,iron what is needed,wash up,feed the animals,bath the 4 kids,do the nappies,sort out finances,we shop together as she is still not able to be trusted to check all the prices and work out what is the better deal ,and i expect her to help with work at our 2 allotments.the one shauvenist thing i do absalutely insist on is a coffie waiting for me next to the pc when i get up and the fire lit.
  11. give it a go mate! ive just started and its great fun!
  12. £186.49!!!!!!!!!!!!(each!)
  13. thanks for the kind words folks!ive got some beef bone sitting in the stock pan ready to make soup,then the bones will beome something else!
  14. well this one is made from 'montanna ivory' which is a nick name given by knife makers to beef bone! but i also make a lot of stuff from mammoth ivory,that is a wonderfull medium to work in,here a bit of scrimshaw on mammoth ivory by me:
  15. ivory and bone are great to work with and shine like glass!
  16. thanks to matt the rat ive just got into making my own purse nets,and its great fun! now being a creative sort of chap i decided that a plastic needle wasnt quite the ticket! so this evening i nocked up a needle for nett making from anice bit of montanna ivory,i decorated it with traditional nordic dot and ring pattern. thanks for looking.
  17. i fully support thos who would fight the ban on snaring,but consider this,who the hell is going to know if you are snaring? and secondly if the scots want independance this is the trade off ime sad to say.and thirdly if you scotts dont get behind this campaign to keep snaring you will lose the right to snare full stop,and it wont stop there,my sport was banned in th 60's no one kicked up a stink then! dont let it happen again! is there a petition running to downing street or the scotts equivilent?
  18. "How you can tell there is an illegal hare coursing event taking place? The most obvious sign is a group of vehicles parked in a rural area perhaps by a gateway to farmland, on a grass verge, on a farm track or bridle path. There will usually be estate cars, four wheel drives or vans that are well looked after to avoid attention from the police. They may contain evidence of dogs inside – such as muddy paw prints and dog hair. " sounds like the local fox hunt! thats the only time ive seen the above!
  19. wilf yourealy do need to read more of the forum if you are to pass judgement! in particular: "Purposes of Jack’s Shed This site aims to encourage discussion about the countryside amongst interested adults. It is not a family site. Please respect the views of other members, even when they disagree with you. All posts reflect only the views of the poster, and not those of the forum or the forum provider. Terms of Participation in Jack’s Shed All members are welcome to discuss country matters such as hunting and shooting, but no illegal activities should be condoned or e
  20. went out for a couple of hours this afternoon with matt the rat who lives no too far away from me,we took the ferrets out with us to work some hedgerow opposite my cottage. we initially set our nets on a sub-warren,me with my scats cheapy purse nets and matt with his home made very posh hemp ones. we put the jills down the holes nd initially things were slow,then one nice doe bolted into a fine hemp net,well this got both me and the jills excited! with tails like bottle brushes they were popping up here and there,eagerly looking for more conie.then suddenly another bolted this time from an
  21. the winner hasnt got in touch with me yet! i posted the winners name on the end of the nameing thread. well its sat here on the mantle piece waiting!!!
  22. the boar was about agood 30 inches at the shoulder and very long.ive been to the place it was first seen,that end the track goes to a small pond.the other way i havent checked yet. it was seen early in the morning .i maywell use a dead pheasant as bait too. i am also considering using a tree stand as i dont want some pissed off boar taking a chunk out of me!
  23. that is so mad i couldnt swear it isnt bollocks king of the bull me!
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