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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. i think theyre a pain in the arse! ide like to know why their ship is a diesel engined poluter! shouldnt they have a sail boat! hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. for a realy good easy crop try swiss chard its colourfull good to eat and it just keeps growing.perpetual spinach is a good use of space too. iv yer realy lucky youl manage a couple of these!
  3. for realy good layers just find yer local free range egg producer,they replace their flock every now and then,they actually have to pay to get rid of the birds to the pet food guys,they will gladly let you take as many as youwant! and theyll be in full production too!
  4. fishfish

    Bio Diesel

    it comes in 2 litre bottles,and yes i have a standing order with them to pick up 30 bottles every tuesday,i just tell them its for a chip shop and theyre cheaper than bookers. as far as i know there is no difference in veg oils in running a car,i just buy what ever is the cheapest,if olive oil was cheap ide use that! also worthy of note is that a diesel car will run on central heating oil at 15p per liter but it stinks!
  5. well done fab post,good days hunting!
  6. may i say allthough i havent a picture to add this thread has been fab ive sat here and enjoyed every post,thank you .
  7. great gun is the lightnin,had mine for a couple of years and i love it!
  8. For £6.50 each,come see r scrap (including eclesiastical 12th centuary lead ),last years hanging baskets,pellet ridden beer can mountain(bigest in europe),a classic 1984 capri(burnt out ),old farm machinery,most of it broke! see the log pile, smell the chickens,feed r feretts,milk the bull and if yer realy lucky you wont tread in the dog siht! and at the end ov yer ordeal,sorry visit,you can(will) buy some jams n stuff! and if yer intrested in some game i know a man!......now wheres me banjo.............
  9. mine cost a tenner of ebay,works a treat! according to 'roman coins and their value' only a silver one is listed not bronze which could mean this coin is MEGA rare!!!!
  10. believe it or not the name given is 'stripper' as the action of forcing the eggs or milt out is called stripping the fish,but this only applies in fish farming and it done to live fish which are then returned alive to the water,the milts for sale in the shops are infact saved when the fish are being gutted,the mess that was forsale in the shop isnt how they should be,they have been miss treated hence the sacks have been ruptured.they should be elongated thin strips full of a milky white milt.
  11. 40 years ago it was on every housewives shopping list! when i first was in the trade women would only buy a herring if it had soft roe in it!
  12. fishfish

    Bio Diesel

    i only use sainsburies corn oil,56p per litre! car runs better and actually passed an emmisions test hat it failed on diesel!!!!! according to the government you can now use 1500 litres a year before duty is due.and who'es gonna know how much yerv used!!!?
  13. ive been a qualified fishmonger for 20 years so feel qualified to comment,as stated the mackerel milt is male mackerel sperm,it actually is very good to eat,full of omega3 and all in all a good food. it has been introduced in recent times to take the presure off the herring stocks much of which was fished just for their 'milt',it was in past times incorrectly called herring roe.the mackerel milt is best micrwaved til firm,3 minutes,then mash with a fork addinfg a little white pepper and a knob of butter,spread on toast and then pop back under the grill to brown.
  14. ITS A BRONZE ROMAN COIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT COULD BE WORTH A FORTUNE IF ITS RARE!It is in very good condition,however a lot of roman bronze coins are found.ille id it for you in a bit and find out the emporer.
  16. try reporting the stray cats to enviromental health,just say thyre shitting all over the place and RIPPING bins open and thus encouraging RATS,be sure to mention the old dear is encouraging them,encouraging rats too! as for the dogs try anti barking collars.
  17. any meat can become tender and tasty given the right cooking!
  18. ive been a big fan of SOH for a while,never heard of long dog,what album was it from? is there anywhere i can listen to it like you tube?
  19. fishfish

    out tonight

    well ime just getting ready to go out...............................shooting!
  20. i enjoyed that write up! great pics too!
  21. e-bay usually sort it through the automated dispute pannel. i would however recomend looking at the feed back sellers have recieved before bidding. i have in the past had to resort to threatening a seller with legal action to recover the monies.leave bad feed back for them and see how it goes. also see what else they are selling and pm their highest bidders and warn them,ebay limet you to 10 pm's aday but it will soon piss them off! also if you pay by paypal they cover you for problems of this sort.
  22. saw something similar in amsterdam!
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