is that an artic grayling?
the original pic of this post is possibly a silver bream roach hybrid,it has the mouth of a roach as are the pale fins,the back isnt as high as a bream but it did flash through my mind.
i know theyre out there,i was taken some years back , they extracted bodily fluids then beamed me back to earth naked ans unconciouse,i was woken by 2 coppers who found be at the back of the full moon pub in wells.
went out for a foray into the woods today with the fine catty that wildman made for me , there was a rustl in the canopy ,followed by a thwack !!!! got the bugger with a lead ball!
just found this thread! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm trout! theres a streach of river i guest on occasionally,stocked with 4lb+ browns and occasionally the odd seatrout shows up,it flows down the bottom of a pub carpark and so theres allways folk throwing bread in and stuff so the fish gt good and big!