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Everything posted by fishfish

  1. caught from a local lake . thanks for looking.
  2. is that an artic grayling? the original pic of this post is possibly a silver bream roach hybrid,it has the mouth of a roach as are the pale fins,the back isnt as high as a bream but it did flash through my mind.
  3. the number signifies the size,a number 8 isnt very big ,i have a porkert No 8 and its ok for sausage making but thats about it! a 32 is butchers size!
  4. yep a beware of the dog sign is an admission that you knew you were keeping a dangerous dog.
  5. free p&p for forum members. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270254007388
  6. here here!!!!! leave the royals alone.
  7. never heard of 'tench en crute' ?????
  8. glad you liked it folkes! ime planning a few more! ooooooooooooh arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
  9. i had a lovely tench session last night ,and captured some of the highlights on film. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg1ewd5Ct5A thanks for looking
  10. i know theyre out there,i was taken some years back , they extracted bodily fluids then beamed me back to earth naked ans unconciouse,i was woken by 2 coppers who found be at the back of the full moon pub in wells.
  11. went out for a foray into the woods today with the fine catty that wildman made for me , there was a rustl in the canopy ,followed by a thwack !!!! got the bugger with a lead ball!
  12. anywhere where you catch mackerel will give garfish,there rarer than theyused to be.
  13. theyll see that line! i use a max of 3lb bs with a #16 and play it well! are you up hamworthy end?
  14. most off public domain scources,some by me.glad you likd it!
  15. try starburstsweets cut in half and rolled works a treat!
  16. hope you like it! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sbBer8IVV6I
  17. just found this thread! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm trout! theres a streach of river i guest on occasionally,stocked with 4lb+ browns and occasionally the odd seatrout shows up,it flows down the bottom of a pub carpark and so theres allways folk throwing bread in and stuff so the fish gt good and big!
  18. thanks for the encouragement,the dog pics were given to me by members of my forum. ime enjoying making these slide shows!
  19. Artist : David knopfler album : small mercies track: going fishing
  20. cheers mate,theres something special about fishing with yer boy!
  21. made this slide show last night i love the music its gonna have to go on the mp3! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8kh0oPOPvKY
  22. its my first go at a slide show with adobe,hope you like it! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dgpi4ooG1Gc
  23. i know a lass who has seen one near here at a farm in cholderton and even got a cast of the foot print.
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