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Everything posted by gtomo

  1. Come on lads and ladys yous are going to be missing out on some belters here
  2. This is my dog hes off the sire to these pups he will run forever and hes got a great second gear
  3. I would get the red but the amber is good for the fog
  4. I was in the midland game fair last year and a lad told me his 12 week old lurcher pup jumped out of his hands when he was lamping a rabbit ran the beam and after a little run it retrieved the bunny. BUT HE WAS SELLING THIS PUP
  5. Well said Moll a nice pack of dogs in the pics
  6. Did you get that dog in the second pic from liverpool? looks a bit like my mates dog? Yes mate am from liverpool whos ya mate
  7. Nice dog that mate whats he like working wise
  8. They have got to start somewhere she looks a sharp bitch mate
  9. How tall are your jacks mate and do they go to ground
  10. The first pic is my saluki whippet greyhound he takes them well the second is my bull greyhound hes 20 months and doing them no problem
  11. I like them jacks mate are they your own lines
  12. I cant see any pics mate have they been taken of
  13. Some nice dogs mate do you shoot everythink or would you ever use a lurcher for the bolters
  14. I am just having a guess mate i cant tell from the a pic really
  15. Thanks mate whats the saluki whippet grey bitch like on the long eared ones
  16. At a guess i would say 23 to 24 inch and about 35 to 40 lbs is he a bull whip or bull grey mate
  17. Nice dogs mate how r they bred
  18. I think this is a coyote in the dessert being taken by a saluki what do tous think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx4T4H82Avo
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