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Everything posted by gtomo

  1. This is the dad i will put the other pics up as soon as i get them
  2. I havent got any pictures yet but i will try and get some hes still got the mum and dad so i will try and get some off them up aswell thanks gtomo
  3. A mate is givin his 13 month old saluki whippet greyhound away free to a good home its a dog and hasnt seen a thing hes got no time for it hence why its 13 months and hasnt seen a thing. its in liverpool
  4. Hello mate what cross is your dog and how old is she or he
  5. Thanks for the replys Any more pictures of your set ups thanks gtomo
  6. Youve got to be careful around there mate most of it is national trust
  7. Am doing a new set of runs for the dogs but dont no what design to use. So any ideas are welcome and pictures thanks
  8. I agree mate chris your dogs are belters and a credit to you
  9. Theres a saluki whippet greyhound going free to a good home by me its about 12months if your intrested thanks pal but im after the bedlington cross, i need alot of fire in it as the foxes round here are taking the p**s No problems mate
  10. Theres a saluki whippet greyhound going free to a good home by me its about 12months if your intrested
  11. IMO Mate i would just keep goin, with it being a young dog it wont do the dog any harm aslong as you dont over run him in the heat. I just give my dogs a break through the summer as i work them hard in the winter and when i say a break i still take them for the odd days with the ferrets and the odd nights lampin
  12. Belter looking dogs there mate that cream dog reminds me of blondie in a pic i have seen of her
  13. Any pics of the sire mate and do they both work
  14. Is the dog that won on them pics mate or the two in the final
  15. Oh i get it now mate i would think it depends on how good the lurcher dog that your goin to use is mate
  16. So someone said you should cross her with a litter brother mate . were does the lurcher bitch come in to it
  17. Rat,rabbit,hare,roe deer,fox and the odd squirrel all with the dogs
  18. I my opinion it depends one the dogs you run. But i would say the hare in daytime
  19. Are them betteries 12v 7 amp if they are were do you get them for £5
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