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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. shes a belter her nick name is jackin the box chris mite tel you y :tongue2:
  2. cheers the dogs and lads worked bloody hard to get them
  3. Friday night I think it was 11 to Caled, 6 to Jet and only 2 to Pablo as he was carrying a few kgs of Class A and it was slowing him down Saturday night was just me, Andy McNab and his dog Pablo. Must have dropped a few kgs somewhere as he was on top form, taking 8 rabbits and Caled taking the other 10. All these rabbits were incredibly lamp-shy and we walked several farms and lamped til daylight as Mr McNab wanted to get Pablo into double figures, but it wasn't to be. Sunday night saw me out with Molly, Andy McNab was knackered so Chris Acid dragged himself from his pit as
  4. top pics them mate iv never seen them my self but would be good if i am driving thro one day what part of scotland did you see them if you dont mined me asking pm if you wont to david
  5. how meny guys and girls on here have had the dogs that can fill the freezer with big nombers of all game and still take fox singlhanded pics of thos old dogs would be nice preban only i now a lot of the lads that go for food/profit dont bother with fox but for thows of you that did put your pics. cheers david
  6. yes mate he is mine he is 1/4 bull and jest under 1/4 collie heres hit sister on the left and his half brother on the right.if you can get a pup of the right dam and sire i rate them hyle mate
  7. not haveing a go mate hope you get £70 for it but i think a lad got band for seling books on here cos he was profeting from it
  8. nice on when ever you are ready
  9. nice job adam when am i going to see him mate get him on the boat :clapper:
  10. fh we dont all hide ower names jest blank him he,ll get bord if that dont work for the record my grayhound dog run on all ground never had a foot ingery he came off the track david
  11. scent sed that blue dog over to me
  12. well done mate she looks a nice bitch
  13. lol that brings memerys back i now were you are coming from.i had a lad come shooting pigens with me years back on a very welthy mans farm in hereford a well spokan man to we were jest off to start when the man turns up and starts lalking to me over comes my mate any phesents on yu but i could of died repli yes and if you shoot them you shant come here agin no jest asking my mate ses then gos on to sayany badgers here :laugh: y he asked that i jest dont now but did not take him after that
  14. dafydd this is my only experence of full brother to sister matings i did it my self 2years and 7 months ago and there were 9 helthey pups here are two that im working no probs at all with them. but thats jest one litter.all pups are fit and well atb with what you do david
  15. you misses got her way lol hes a buty and for the recored mate i new :clapper: he was
  16. nice pup mate edd that a nice pup to what cross mate
  17. edd :clapper: well done mate i did not see this till now well done for phoning in mate.wile that bitch was puting us down i was out puting a few rabbits down :laugh: sorry i mist it atb david
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