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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. agree with cobra.dog looks well mate.atb the drover cheers bendrover ill up date you soon mate atb david
  2. she is very similler my mate that was up thort it was blacky i was running lol.im good mate she will be scaned in the next few day ill bell you [bANNED TEXT] i now more atb david
  3. cheers andy lol.doing well mate familys good to.hope you get some thinking mate. atb david speek soon mate
  4. hi stranger still living are you lol.not far from my house mate.that jill you mayed me swop for cheese my big yellow hob that your girl sold to the pikeys bloody women lol yes mate home for life here shes bolting ok to she had a litter 2 days are go if you wont any kits the misses could get a stall at the pikeys site lol how you keeping?? hows your pup?? david still alive mate, feel like cutting my wrists tho till sept, pup is a cracker mate, he's sire'd by mikes dog crunch and looks like he's gonna make a big one. just over 20 inch now and 5 months old with plenty on him too...
  5. cheers bosun11 fist time out with new camra mate david
  6. hi stranger still living are you lol.not far from my house mate.that jill you mayed me swop for cheese my big yellow hob that your girl sold to the pikeys bloody women lol yes mate home for life here shes bolting ok to she had a litter 2 days are go if you wont any kits the misses could get a stall at the pikeys site lol how you keeping?? hows your pup?? david
  7. see the wifeys big ass at the end of that croft molly went over 2 fenses after a rabbit in to a chicken pen birds all round her marking the holl and the chap and the old wifey did not look happy molly came strate back on the first wisel never looked at the birds sed she was fine as i had chickins : : : and thay were fine with me then
  8. up date only 3weeks on but she dose look like shes blooming :Dw fingers crossed :Dw
  9. thanks pal yeh mostly to retreve shot fox ive got a bull x pup 5 months just want a colli x as well if you fined the right collie cross mate you will have a good pup to bring on has the greyhound done much retrving work on its tod
  10. some good vids on you tub mate have a look thay helped me out a lot atb david
  11. nice bitch best iv seen for a wile hope it works out i take it you wont a pup for all round work
  12. first in an all that you new the lads would be after them your name is down mate. atb david
  13. about 4 or 5 so far but few other mates have showen a intrest but i cant promis no one yet as i dont now what she will have my self.sise of your pockets will have nout to do with you geting a pup mate. atb david
  14. How true that is bunks. Best of luck with the future litter David. cheers tote i have hy hopes for them mate atb david
  15. cheers bunks. jest one biter bitch talking shit about some thing she nows nout about.if a dog gets a good rep for what it dose in the filed y do you allways get one to slate it jest cos thayer dogs cant do the same. cheers mate david
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