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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. Only saw one Beddy Whippet many years ago and only saw it twice on fox, very game, took one out of an earth in the day and had one on the lamp. Not seen any others though, but prior to the ban I used to take foxes with my pure-bred Whippets.
  2. Good luck with the move - congratulations on finding somewhere. Sounds like there's plenty about for the dogs. I'm still looking and got some loose ends to tie up down here before I can go, but can't wait. Would like to be somewhere ready for next season.
  3. Pennymeadow Whippets on here is from that area and has some first class working Whippets. Sure he'll be able to help you out mate. Not sure if he crosses the dogs but PM him and ask.
  4. You got the pics sorted well done some nice ones to.
  5. Glad you finally got the pics on lads, they were definitely worth the wait - 2 lovely looking whippets doing well too by the looks of them and still young. They've got it all to come yet. Good luck with them for the future, David
  6. As you all know by now, I'm looking for somewhere to move. Lots of you have already been very helpful, hope you can help me with this one too! Has anybody stayed at Essie Croft in the Highlands? It's advertised in the EarthDog RunningDog most months and in the ad it says 'Lurchers at Work'. Does this mean they work their lurchers there and can you take your own dogs and join them? Would be a great way of seeing what the area's really like. Cheers
  7. Thanks to all for your help so far, it's been great and I'm sure it'll help me decide where to go. Keep it coming. If anyone can suggest anywhere else I'd be keen to hear about it. Thanks!
  8. You can PM me, I won't tell anyone else, I promise Actually I wouldn't, I play my cards close to my chest where permission is concerned too, you've got to haven't you?
  9. Only have a small gardening business, can set up pretty much anywhere, or I can always go back on the game! go back on the game,theres no wonder you are hard up mate LOL.see you in a week for a run or two on those long eared rabbits. I could've made a fortune in my day but my day has long since passed! I shouldn't have spent all my younger days out with the dogs (but the women down here are not that bad really!)
  10. Cheers for that mate, now all I need is an average salary
  11. plenty of them suicide bombers aswell Av thought about it myself lately, moving south maybe a will in a year or 2 time I usually carry a rucksack whilst lamping, do you think I'd be safe there?
  12. Sounds great but I think the properties there would be a bit 'deer' for me!
  13. I have quite a few mates from the north-east who think its worth the 5 hour drive to run their dogs down here,we have a lot of "variety" Must be good if they travel that far? What species of deer do you get round there? Thanks
  14. Used to that down here in Wales, must be great to have it all on your doorstep though. Some people on here sound so lucky
  15. Sorry to be a bit of a retard but I'm geographically dyslexic and have no idea where North east and South are! Give me names of counties at least! Cheers
  16. Sounds great, that's another one to think about. I need to get round and visit some of these places over the next months so I'll have an idea for myself too. Thanks.
  17. Try Ashington in Northumberland, lurcher mecca. Everyone and their aunt have lurchers in their yards. Moll. Thanks for that - sounds like a popular place for us dog lads (and their aunts)!
  18. Got a few farms down there but can't afford to live there! You're right about the red ones though.
  19. Cheers for that Frank, will keep my eyes peeled for them!
  20. Only have a small gardening business, can set up pretty much anywhere, or I can always go back on the game!
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