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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. Dante looks fantastic, glad to see he's out and about. Bet the missus was well chuffed when she saw that rabbit on the living room floor! Keep up the good work mate.
  2. keep up the good work mate very nice dogs there to cheers lampingboy glad you like them
  3. sallys looking well mate not bad for a bro and sis shaging some peopol
  4. Thanks mate, I hope they do get good working homes i know someone interested, wants to see parents going though( duggy) no prob mate.i hope hes not like you cos iv given you all your runing dogs you tite ass and you jest cant keep up with them
  5. cracking looking dogs you could have put some lights on the trees for chezny
  6. dont look like your a good hunter then seeing all them your more like a wont to be to me toppdigger did you have a keeper job up and till a wile a go mate
  7. Thanks mate, I hope they do get good working homes
  8. Hi Edd, glad Dante is doing well for you. Got any recent pics? As for 'maybe you do?', I'd love for these pups to go to genuine homes and I know that's what they'd be getting with you so what about if I throw in free delivery to your place? Well, it's not quite free, it'll cost you a night's lamping! I'd be more than happy to fetch a pup up for you if you could sort out an hour or two on the lamp...
  9. No you're not going blind mate, I'm sick to the back teeth of timewasters!
  10. nice pup taffy think hes going to be a big lad
  11. 5 1/2 hour drive each way mate just checked on routefinder toooooo faaar Do you plan on using this mating again mate becasue if so some time next year i would be willing to drive to you? Steve Not sure when I'll be nating again - this one wasn't planned but the dog had other ideas! Where are you from? Maybe someone near you will get one and you could share the journey?
  12. 5 1/2 hour drive each way mate just checked on routefinder toooooo faaar No worries mate.
  13. Cheers Frank - thank God I've got the older dogs catching enough bunnies to keep them going!
  14. Pups were 8 weeks old yesterday. PM'd you my number if you're interested.
  15. **PRICE REDUCED TO £200 DUE TO TIMEWASTERS**READY TO GO NOW** WHIPPET BITCH PUPS, KC registered. Sire out of Strike While the Iron's Hot and Dam out of Lord of the Knight, both bred by Mike Brown, Sooty Sam/Laguna lines. Pups are wormed, dew-clawed, Frontlined and come with 6 weeks free insurance. Both parents are excellent workers day and night.
  16. blar blar blar as for that mate like i sed earlyer i ask if andrew wonted a dig to morro but hes going to watch the hunt leve in merther then spend the day in the pub are you there to all the regerlers will be there i was asked not for me more bullshit f**k me some stuff will get dugg in there to more ill be in the fildes you talk about so cheers to you all in joy .if you wont to go andrew ring my im off out DAI YOU ARE WELCOME WITH ME TOMORRW i will pick you up, i have 5 guns out with me 6 lurchers and two couples of earth dogs,its a good place and i will guarantee you a few will be dug,
  17. blar blar blar as for that mate like i sed earlyer i ask if andrew wonted a dig to morro but hes going to watch the hunt leve in merther then spend the day in the pub are you there to all the regerlers will be there i was asked not for me more bullshit f**k me some stuff will get dugg in there to more ill be in the fildes you talk about so cheers to you all in joy .if you wont to go andrew ring my im off out
  18. what can i say i now i cant spell but the misses tiped this thred if peopol cant read it [bANNED TEXT] then sod them.
  19. [bANNED TEXT] breeding are the lurchers colle/gra xbull/gra and the dog was half whippet to sane bitch
  20. please inliten me? no one is having a go at andrew i spock to him early to see if he wonted to go out to morrow with that bitch but he got other planes to whatch the hunt over your way.some one asked how thay were bread and you sed you thort thay were bread by locky in a pm y you must now if you are good mates with him. some poepol breed dogs then ride on the backs of them that work them for thay name
  21. i thought that the pups would be retarded and blinded like that!!! It may cause problems for future generations of pups and they mightent live long its sick if you ask me!! i dident ask you you asked me ya right so have fun having sex with your sister!! I wouldn't want to breed as close but I also wouldn't resort to churlish, personal attacks on someone. Keep at it David, I hear people speak highly of you, know you are well respected and don't produce shite. Dave Well said im sure he chose this line breeding for a good reason - to keep the good t
  22. i thought that the pups would be retarded and blinded like that!!! It may cause problems for future generations of pups and they mightent live long its sick if you ask me!! i dident ask you you asked me ya right so have fun having sex with your sister!! I wouldn't want to breed as close but I also wouldn't resort to churlish, personal attacks on someone. Keep at it David, I hear people speak highly of you, know you are well respected and don't produce shite. Dave thanks dave dont now y it gets so nasty on here have a good xmas
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