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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. The Chatsworth Kennels are the ultimate kennel system. The kennels are made from 25mm x 25mm steel box section with 50mm x 50mm mesh infil to the run part of the kennel. This is hot dip galvanised to BS 729. The rear housing part of the kennel is covered with plastic, the roof is covered with a plastic coated steel profile sheet. The Chatsworth kennels have been designed to prevent chewing, all corners and edges have been covered or backed in steel. The use of plastic sheeting in the housing area is a major advantage over traditional timber, because the plastic does not rot or absorb smells an
  2. oh dai lets get something straight here me and boys having a bit of fun with you if you want to write about shaking dogs about why dont you tell everyone about the west highland terrier that your five dogs nearly killed on weekend and old dear had to lie on to stop them,you got rid of your blue dog for same reason,people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. has for the kennels you couldnt afford them. and believe me i could write a few more tales about you. As for a "bit of fun", being called a dog dealer on here, I can't see how that is a bit of fun. There's enough wankers on here tha
  4. Hi Martin the messer! Did you ever sell those dog runs you promised to sell me once? How's that farmer's Collie after those two big mongol Bull Greyhounds ragged it all over the place and then you gave him some abuse as well? I bet you told him "I'll bet you a THOUSAND POUND my dog will smash his head!". LOL And as for you Lenny, I will find out who you are. I know you're another tit from Tredegar, land of the messer!
  5. what a bellend you dont now nout .pup still here due to messers
  6. lenny how are you ?all the crap on here is off so caled mates you boys are so funny
  7. selling some dogs lately dai, not turning into a dog dealer are you? yes mate making louds what do you think you ever payed for one off me you cheeky sod
  8. no probs.. i was hoping for a guided tour of your runs but never mind how high r the sire @ dam out of curiosity cheers bitch 19 dog jest under 20
  9. no probs.. i was hoping for a guided tour of your runs but never mind jest let me now [bANNED TEXT] you wont to pop up mate bring a paint brush lol
  10. whot are they mate dog or bitch and where about are you im from south wales bitch pup.aberdare
  11. no prob sorry i misted you home late looking for new farms
  12. First cross Bull Whippet bitch pup, 12 weeks old, out of my own Whippet dog Jake, Sooty Sam/Laguna lines, back to a racy pure Bull bitch. Both dam and sire excellent temperament. Pup has been wormed, dewclawed, Frontline treated and fully innoculated. Ready to go now, £250. South Wales.
  13. edd still got a bitch for you can pop it down to you any dark windy night lol
  14. No offense taken. The black bitch is 9 and the dog only a twelve month and lots at home that day. Showed the first one with his mother.
  15. cheers lurcherboy some bored peopol on here to night im jest counting the hours to go out in the morning with the dogs.[bANNED TEXT] the dick will be sleeping thing up what shit to put on here next.
  16. go away and have sex with your sister wit a t shirt on a clown!!! have a day off you bellend and stop nocking my posts.you do make me lol id have sex with you and your littel prick but only talking shit gets your littel feler up
  17. some 1 telling lies when he killed them that deer has a summer coat on it u tit!!!LIER!! Out in tshirts as well,tough lads in winter eh? One man in a t-shirt from Wales doesn't feel the cold, one man from England waterproof leggings on and 2 fleece jackets. Me on the camera, also in a t-shirt, as we just dragged the deer the best part of a mile. Who said they were in the winter to begin with? Just for your info, the bottom 2 pics were, top pic was earlier on in the year where we were asked to move a vixen and cubs. Hope that answers your question.
  18. some 1 telling lies when he killed them that deer has a summer coat on it u tit!!!LIER!! you are so funny. for one it dos not say [bANNED TEXT] it was killed an as for summer it was shot 9 weeks ago i have lots of pics of dear i shot with a summer coat on but if i put them up you mite wet you sell.i have read through some of you posts you are a nob if you dont work dogs jest go down the pub and talk shit LIER
  19. Is there anyone on here that knows a gentleman by the name of Paul McGrath from Ireland? Not sure which part of Ireland, just know that he was a semi-professional boxer and bred Collie crosses many years ago. I was also told that he bred Bull crosses. If anyone can help I'll be very grateful. Cheers, David
  20. yes mate and hes living up to his name :aggressive: :aikido: :showoff: :weight_lift2: good good... nice pics... and have you got any batteries left mate yes got a fuw left
  21. yes mate and hes living up to his name :aggressive: :aikido: :showoff: :weight_lift2:
  22. Caled and his dam Blacky, first earth for Caled to be on and he soon had the foxes removed and killed. Picture of Fen and Molly, Molly is a full sister to Caled and Fen is a half-brother to them both. Molly, Fen and Sam. Sam is out of my old bitch Sally who was a half-sister to Blacky.
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