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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. in box empty now £100 plus postage and you can have the lot may have a few more ill throw in if i can fined them
  2. 63 old mags most in very good condishon few a bit crapy make me a good offer and thay will be yours
  3. guted for you mate rip girl atb david
  4. no ider mate he asked for the link on the open forom
  5. http://shop.ebay.co.uk/championboy.123/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340
  6. 160442426070 160442437258 160442435135 160442423204 160442432666 see if this works thats thayer ebay nombers mate 2hours left
  7. 160442426070 160442437258 160442435135 160442423204 160442432666 see if this works that thayer nombers mate
  8. there was one but it disaperd will get misses to do it later 1 day left all still cheep
  9. davidlloyd


    all jdarcey lurcher books on ebay going cheep
  10. you will see it first hand [bANNED TEXT] you get you ares up here mate ill bring my wee pup to the big land on the hared stubbl and have the crack and show you it wont be a loud of pish lol atb david mate to be honest sounds like sour grapes off whin. dog will be what you make it and by the posts you seem to have done enough, hope do you proud atb jamie cheers jamie i think thay will mate only time will tell i hope ill have a few runs with whin when the pup comes of age atb david one mans dog is another mans wife each to there own i say.keep me posted pal i like i
  11. you will see it first hand [bANNED TEXT] you get you ares up here mate ill bring my wee pup to the big land on the hared stubbl and have the crack and show you it wont be a loud of pish lol atb david mate to be honest sounds like sour grapes off whin. dog will be what you make it and by the posts you seem to have done enough, hope do you proud atb jamie cheers jamie i think thay will mate only time will tell i hope ill have a few runs with whin when the pup comes of age atb david
  12. hope he works for you mate be nice to see more than his head
  13. well done dan mate you cant put a price on the right mating if the dog was on the moon and it was the right one id be looking for a rocket.hope all gos well two very strong dogs should get some crackers.pic of my bitch lined 7 weeks ago traveled 32 hours for two mating to make suer i got her
  14. cheers. i see what you meen but with most plastics thay are slipy evan [bANNED TEXT] you have a blanket on them so dont wont to risck the bitch hoping in and sliding about.she allso is a good mother and cleans up after them till thay get out of the box witch will be 3/4 weeks and beding will be chaiged dayly so it sould be fine if i only get one yous out of the box ill be happy as i have no plans to breed for a few years now. atb davis
  15. cheers cobra ill be in tuch soon mate david
  16. it was the very latust scaning geer beter than iv seen in any vets could evan pic my pup lol
  17. not bad for a welsh man :thumbs:blackie looks full mate how many did they say cheers lol.scan showed 2/3 but there is more for defanit i recon thay all ways say there mite be more 3years ago i was toled 4/5 she had 9 atb david
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