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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. molly full brother to caled collie/gray/bull/gray x collie/gray/bull/gray fen half brother to them collie/gray/bull/gray x whippet cheers david
  2. Twenty-seven with Jess & Caled. Fifty with Molly & Fen. Sixty-two rabbits with Fen and Caled. Ninety-six rabbits, 32 were taken and then the batteries ran out! The following night, with fresh batteries, we took the 62. Put them all in the pic together as the day before we forgot to take a pic of the 32. So, the 96 were with the same two dogs, two nights running.
  3. whin did you get my pm i sent you cheers david
  4. good read mate sorry about his door :lol:
  5. very good to now frank thanks for posting mate
  6. i think there are lots of lads and lasses working thayer dogs hard on here and dont have no prob i am one but if i can make my dog more cumftobel by any meens i will try.if your dog ever has a fit or jest calapses milles from the vets a botle of drink in the car could save his life.not having a go jest making the point we all love uwer dogs and wont the best for them mate.atb david well mate i would'nt rule it out he's getting on abit now, i might get some and let you no if it makes a difference. cheers
  7. all thes capitals doing my head in :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:
  8. put it with the oxy bottle and plasters ,you will be geting them nice new pink coats next dai,in case it rains when they are out .mate if you work them loose ,and start them young you wont have any need for stuff like that because they will get to know their limits ,unlike the slip and chase at 100 mile a hour dogs . lol that cout is to small mate can you send me a biger one thanks the one with the houd on and mitons david
  9. i think there are lots of lads and lasses working thayer dogs hard on here and dont have no prob i am one but if i can make my dog more cumftobel by any meens i will try.if your dog ever has a fit or jest calapses milles from the vets a botle of drink in the car could save his life.not having a go jest making the point we all love uwer dogs and wont the best for them mate.atb david
  10. thanks for the replis lads i will be geting some and keeping it in the lamping bus lol jest in case its needed. cheers david
  11. do any members yous alectolites for thayer dogs [bANNED TEXT] corsing or lamping i see the whippet lads yous them for lure raceing jest intrested?
  12. fcukin love it mate. atb stabba stobba you not taking the piss are you mate.i for one can take it some mite be afended :cry:
  13. jest been looking at the pic my mobbil must be from the dark ages my pics not clear like that mate ill have to get a up graged like your
  14. nice pup and no bull shit to sell it good to see good luck with ree homing her mate
  15. is this a wined up i for one cant spell very good have no ider were the punchewashon gos for f..k sake there is obesly lots of dislecsic lads on here not so meny lases may be as for capitals how gives a toss long as you can read it . cheers david jmo
  16. he was still stresing about the bill be hes smilling now cheep as chips
  17. it was a good crack mate thanks for the night out you got a handy dog there to.hope you got some sleep be for work.will see you next week for a shine.as for taffys and sheep never on a first date we are gentlmen look out next time
  18. iv run them for ten years mate one of the best crosses out there jest my upinion if the pup is off good working stock its all up to you now you wont go far rong ill post pics soon
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