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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. had the tip of my bell end stuck fast in my zip ones,teech me for not puting pants on
  2. whin it looks as if thay are all the same size mate what price can you get them for?i pm you a few times mate about jab as the cash come yet. cheers david
  3. lithium battrys are us ,next to toys are us ..lol. they are all about £150 , dai where ever you get them . cheers HELLO MATE, GOT MINE (10 AH) FROM ARTHER CARTER, £145 DELIVERED, HAD IT ABOUT 3 MONTHS. NEVER USED ALL THE CHARGE IN ONE GO. DEFO WORTH IT SO FAR, ABOUT THE SIZE OF A 7AH DRY CELL BUT DEAD LIGHT. (NOT SHOUTING, JUST REALISED CAPS LOCK IS ON) CHEERS, D. cheers mate is that the only size thay do? Yes their (deben) gonna be doing one for a gun mounted light but theyre gonna be smaller in size and power. Cheers, D. cheers
  4. lithium battrys are us ,next to toys are us ..lol. they are all about £150 , dai where ever you get them . cheers HELLO MATE, GOT MINE (10 AH) FROM ARTHER CARTER, £145 DELIVERED, HAD IT ABOUT 3 MONTHS. NEVER USED ALL THE CHARGE IN ONE GO. DEFO WORTH IT SO FAR, ABOUT THE SIZE OF A 7AH DRY CELL BUT DEAD LIGHT. (NOT SHOUTING, JUST REALISED CAPS LOCK IS ON) CHEERS, D. cheers mate is that the only size thay do?
  5. lithium battrys are us ,next to toys are us ..lol. they are all about £150 , dai where ever you get them . :clapper: cheers
  6. is the only one sizs lithium battry for lamping on the market. whats the cheepust plase to get them thanks. david
  7. dogs look well mate. that pup will be a big un.david
  8. i jest asked the misses and she sed 2 hours she can pull her finger out this week or ells. david
  9. thay are sore thay can check the criters that live in your arryer and see if thay are doing well
  10. .............. They are Sooty Sam bred. Grandparents - Lord of the night and strike while the irons hot. Only bred them for myself as I wanted another dog. Can't believe how much crap it's stirred up! will you take £30 for a pup must be kc
  11. 17 is not to be sniffed at mate i now cos were you go now i bet me and hundruds be for me went there like i sed well done
  12. think i got a buyer for that mark give me a ring same lad that was buying that red dog of you so no changing your mined lol
  13. my dogs are shit on fox i allways take a gun and i now lots on here that do
  14. im from aberdare mate but dont live in wales any more bull whippet will be ok but beter to go for 1/4 bull not half cross.if you need any help drop me a mp ill try my best no xpert david
  15. if the dvds ever about think of me mate get the misses to pm that now mate cheers david Gwneud yn dda Dave a Dogs, chi a'r rhai cŵn golygus yn edrych falch dda. Cwningen Cwningen Diolch yn fawr!
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