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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. phif but blacky done all the work mate look after thos BIG PHIL
  2. cheers mate thay are hevey tittel lumps eye are opening now and thay geting more and more active so the chaseing will start soon lol looking good david and best of luck picking one as ive changed my mind on mine about 40 times (no shit) benny its not easy
  3. cheers mate thay are hevey tittel lumps eye are opening now and thay geting more and more active so the chaseing will start soon lol
  4. pups 10 days old today all doing well all had thayer dew claws removed. im favering the black bitch with the wight muzel and spot on her head :Pc:: but evan been thinking about keeping a dog back to but jest dont now what to do for the best two pups are hard work no mater what you plan.what do you guys think ?????????? hope you like the pics blacky is allso doing fine.
  6. dogs look good phil looking at A NICE FOR ARM ARE YOU JABING MATE LOL
  7. cheers 5days to day the black bitch im thinking but to early to tel yet atb david
  8. have you had a good dog whin or just owned dogs from good breeding never herd of you owning a good dog and stop wasteing other peoples posts sorry for that david
  9. over the moon mate good job mate ,them 2 brindles and the fawn are the same colours as mine that must be berties geens coming thro mate
  10. here you go pup pics at last lol first pic yester day second pic to day thay are growing like mad seem to dubeled thayer wait over night thayer blankit after a one day i can see with blacky moulting the washing mishien will be flat out blankit now chainged lol the two bitches are the fat one botom left and the black one with its wight nose sticking out all four others are dogs.sorry for dilay david here thay are benny cracking game lol
  11. cheers cobra pics will be on today i promis atb david
  12. BIG day at last after a late night call to the vet last night to calm me down he put my mined at rest not to worry about the long laber as it can take up to 36 hours shit poor bugers :ermm: any way i stayed up all night checking back and forth at 5.30 still no pups but blacky did not seem in any real pain jest laber but im still a littel worryed so thort id take molly out for a quick run to try and take my mined off it got back 6.30 at bloody last ::DAb:: two pups had been born i stayed with her for a wile im not a big bilever in messing in the birth and les there is some thing rong that i n
  13. mb did have a night on the hares he run wisper others run their dogs and they had a good night between them. atb David
  14. good luck with them marty nice looking bitch you have to my bitch is in laber now she was lined to bertie to he looks good in that pic atb david
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