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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. thay are a game bunch you have mate david
  2. first clase pics of good dogs well done. david
  3. santer has been. off to bed soon bloody freezing up here top of scotland.have a good one lads. david
  4. dose any one now? 23tts and 1/4 grey 3/4 whippet cheers delboy david
  5. pups are crackers mate all the best with them how big is bigland boy? whats his breeding how much whippet and grayhound? atb david
  6. one of is mates from school is on here david
  7. edd jest read it thats very sad mate.what can you say. atb david
  8. have you had my pms mate thay are there some were.


  9. LOL jest found it mate the pup is geting big now looks a nice shape atb david
  10. this dog has caught rabbits hare he was the only dog there one night when 3 roe was shot and retrevied and picket up plenty phesants that have be shot up the hedge rows he s never seen a shot fox so dont no if he would retrieve it but i think that make s him a good all rounder in my opinuon he looks a belting dog very good shap to him his feet look good on the pics to how old is he? cheers for the pics mate if you got any more get them on :thumbs: david
  11. rember luke you owned this dog when he was young every dog slows down and learns as they get older av had bertie over 2 years now and he s a diffrant dog now took all quary no bother pre ban and only a handfull of small injurys 24 inch works day and night fast good mouth turn on a penny and not bad stamina and sire s a good litter as u have a pup from one of his 5 litters can we see some pics of bertie and what nombers of rabbits you had?with him and so cheers david david al get my mate to take some photo s and put them up as for rabbits we have to travell a good bit for th
  12. good luck let us now how thay get on mate. whats thayer breeding ? cheers david
  13. hi mate whats the dog like i have a good line that iv had for years and i wont to breed my old bitch next heat but i wont the best dog for her.she is a good all rounder taking game singel handed i wont the same to breed to her.tell me all you now? and would you yous him at stud


    david im in scotland my self

  14. rember luke you owned this dog when he was young every dog slows down and learns as they get older av had bertie over 2 years now and he s a diffrant dog now took all quary no bother pre ban and only a handfull of small injurys 24 inch works day and night fast good mouth turn on a penny and not bad stamina and sire s a good litter as u have a pup from one of his 5 litters can we see some pics of bertie and what nombers of rabbits you had?with him and so cheers david david al get my mate to take some photo s and put them up as for rabbits we have to travell a good bit for th
  15. I agree my whippet dog has thrown some cracking pups to greyhound bitches strong looking whippet mate very nice My whippet 21"
  16. stamina [bANNED TEXT] i sed it i ment jest dogs with 1/4 or les in them that can run all night be it on hare pre ban or rabbits if a dog can do 30 40 50 bunnys and a few hares in a night thay will not do that on fitnes alon thay wont be a avarige dog thay will be a dog with staminer that is very fit. any lads on here that can put up nombers to these dogs ? cheers david
  17. cheers shaun sent and tomo sore we now the 1/4 crosses have the staminer what about you lads that run with les than 1/4? david
  18. dan you have some cracking dogs love your pics mate david
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