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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. wbolter is seling some misalanes part of the for sale bit good price mate
  2. very nice looking dogs mate.[bANNED TEXT] they like daytime? [bANNED TEXT] the best breeding lines? if you mean hunting up marking thay are spot on mate.if you mean hares well thay are ok but theres beter out there for that job i only hunt rabbits now sins the ban. i dont now of any lines as such but iv run my stuf for over 10 years. jest fined good bullx good colliex try to see them work first and only you now your ground and what you hunt rabbit rat. jest reameber it takes to to tango dam and sire atb david
  3. the dog on right is the one in top pic the other is a bitch 1 night work atb david
  4. 2 dogs for you to see bread from the right dam and sire 2 nights lamping 32 and 62 there should be 94 there. atb david
  5. very good cross mate if from the right dam and sire do your home work well be for picking a litte not allways easy but a must you will have that pup for 10 plus year get the right one first time atb david
  6. steel dont now you mate and i would not dout your word not nocking the dog jest the new owner atb david
  7. i moved for the rabbits been on about it for years on here so what you lieing about now key bord kid
  8. he is having the dogs back he mite of had them by now david
  9. sorry pal he should be baned this is the reeson there is so much shit out there. atb david I used your dog, So much shit out there!!!!!!, You have got that right. They all came out with crap feet i supose thats what you get for mating brother and sister. You didnt tell me that until after. Caled is the result of a brother and sister mating. Have a good new year went out with you three time my old bitch over 9 had a bunny caled and molly had bunnys what your bitch get fek all cos it would not run most of them youv nicked all the picks of my dogs with good bags of bunnys s
  10. lol more lies you sold them all for 150 each bit steep if you new thayer feet were no good you would not now if thay had good or bad feet you now nout.you must be a bro sis mating
  11. sorry pal he should be baned this is the reeson there is so much shit out there. atb david
  12. you are [bANNED TEXT] 10 pups lol txts more liyes. me tipeing like i sed end of tell you what theres a coper on a bullx tred geting some asell you and him have a chat with all my pics you nicked of here to help sell the pups out of that shit black bitch you run over
  13. more liyes lol you sold it after all that you sold it well blow me i never sore that coming£££££££££££££££ END OF new mats of him be were HES NO GOOD AND A GRASS
  15. no one ells liys like you.3 new dogs and a pup and the mother you take a pic of all five in a line and show me you did breed for your self and not as you sed after bullx sell and i wont bother you a gen its the liyes i cant handel thats all in 3months well the new dogs any way seen the other on you ebay dog site so no liys
  16. you and honest dont go to gether sh 08 iv lots of preban pics but wont put them on as this guy sed heed shop me to the old bill preban. merry xmas DONT BILEVE A WORD HE SES HES HAD THAT DOG 5 MINETS Still trying to bully are we u twat, ask steel on here about the whippet also there are a few lads on here that no the dog. Merry xmas david who's family are you threatening now you are up there. just because you are bitter that your a jaffer and cant have kids of your own you have make threats to hurt other peoples kids. HAPPY NEW YAER. same old liys and how meny times you been
  17. you and honest dont go to gether sh 08 iv lots of preban pics but wont put them on as this guy sed heed shop me to the old bill preban. merry xmas DONT BILEVE A WORD HE SES HES HAD THAT DOG 5 MINETS
  18. NO SARKY COMMENTS £250 YOU STARTED IT ITS CRIMBO HELP SOME YOUNG LADS OUT lol :D that a good price mate only joking have a good crimbo atb david
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