id like to see pics of grayhounds you guys run how do you fined them?
i had 2 a long time ago one cracker and one piss poor
sorry did not take pics then mite of been be for the camara :icon_redface:
nice dog .yes mate
half brother to bud
blacky is full sister to the blue dog so is all so half sister to bud
blacky was mated to her full brother and the dog and bitch at the botom are from
that mating doing well.
herd he was a good dog.he was in the edrd at stud. i have his half sister with me and some pups out of her buds sire buck on both sides of the pups i say pups thay are 3 now
is there meny dogs about out of bud that you now of?
im geting a new set up soon whats the best out there i need a combo that will give me a minamun of 4/5hours lamping time and a good tight spot beem. not a big blits lamp i like a smaller unit
thanks for you help
spot on dave nice dog he done well for you.had my first night out last night ground to hard still picked up three with caled but not pushing my luck.