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Everything posted by davidlloyd

  1. some very good sport you had there mate thanks for puting you pics up :clapper: david
  2. cheers edd, jest let me now when your coming mate and ill go out my best jumper ill let you borow it when you come up
  3. old bitch is collie/grayhound x bull/grayhound i put her back to her full brother and thats what the other bitch is out of coll/gray/bull/gray x coll/gray/bull/gray david 2 very nice lurcher you have there David atb keano cheers keano
  4. both 23inch taker [/quote Did you breed them if so which way were they bred mate ? yes mate i bred both of them the old bitch blacky is out of my old 3/8 collie 5/8 grayhound bitch molly pic of her sire was first x bull grayhound pic of him he was not my dog blue dog is blackys litter brother that was put to her and that how the other bitch is bred young molly hope that helps mate
  5. cheers mate i new there was a nice guy there some were :tongue2:
  6. wanker thay both messing about lol not the best if theres other dogs about i thort beter of you picing on my clips Do they have a label? Ferret food only? lol, Impressive speed there mate, and on the second vid was a very impressive take from on top of the hole, well done mate, i love seeing the daytime workers. good land for it too :clapper: lol cheers mate i dont now how thay do it but thay hardly ever bruise them
  7. old bitch is collie/grayhound x bull/grayhound i put her back to her full brother and thats what the other bitch is out of coll/gray/bull/gray x coll/gray/bull/gray david
  8. wanker thay both messing about lol not the best if theres other dogs about i thort beter of you picing on my clips
  9. sorry mate did not now it was full pm you a nomber now
  10. nice job mate bet you dogs are happy in there
  11. will have more ground by then to mate so dont spend all you milleons on trofys as the brekfast will be on you and you will need it after draging him off the hill david
  12. there you go wboulter this guy his cheep as chips and fair play to him.dont think theres munty or cwd in scotland but i could be rong. then you could come up to me and shoot a few for nout
  13. blacky and sally two half sisters lost sally in her prime in the feiled she was a good fox dog but never had the chance of the test of time
  14. nice bitch how do you rate her conperd to your bull xs overall this dog in a bigger body would probly out do my 2 bull x's for brains and general skill overall! but only weighing 35lb she was limited on what she could do pre ban! but every time this dog was doubted she shined! pulled things of larger sorts singled handed aswell the first time she seen them! earnt a big place in my heart! but as i say tiny bitch david in years to come bet you will still remeber the littel bitch over the big uns
  15. thats one of the nicest looking dogs iv seen mate.buck the bull grayhound came from ginnger
  16. no mate put goose to old molly sindy was out of goose sindy on the left bich on the right top fox dog wish she was still with me only for the bunnys neely had me then sh 08 wait till your my age it gets harder lol still cant see the bloody pic, dont know whats up with it. its a new computer and dont kno how the feeckk to work around it. wait till your my age it gets harder lol
  17. he looks like he loves his job you got a nice pic of him standing mate
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