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Everything posted by ivorfox

  1. I am currently in my final year of university and am doing my dissertation on, the perceptions of people involved in moorlands on the ideas of ceiling schemes on hen harriers. This is a topic very close to me as I have been a keeper in-between my university studies. Please can you pm me and i can email you a very simple one page A4 survey and a page with your rights. Thank you Ivor Fox
  2. i have a 30-06 in sako 85 for my deer great range of bullet weights Ivor
  3. cheers for replys were going to trade them for some day olds are you sure £30 if so who to ivor
  4. Hi just wandering what the going rate for laying hens are at the moment herd about £4 but don't know exactly cheers Ivor
  5. maybe a bit of dogging the day before of during the morning to keep them in your drives as for the partridge leave them alone they need quiete. did you put the pen in a game crop if so i normally put electric fence around mine to stop preadtors so its a safe place and theycan go there at night. ivor
  6. hi ive just joined, just a bit bought me i go driven pheasant shooting, have 4 springers, go stalking, lamp foxs and rabbits,go decoying geese and pigeons and have been a full time gamekeeper ivor
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