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Everything posted by dohnut

  1. they cant do that, if your brand of pellet your using doesnt exceed the power then your ok, get that off the police what pellet they use and tell them what you use, get a good solictitor on the case it states here make sure you know your gun's power with your pellets http://www.youngmans.com/acatalog/law.html as long as you took the nesserary percautions to know and are with in power with your pellets then they havent got a case tonight at 9pm 4th jan i will be asking police to retest my rifle with my own pellets(powerpell) date check on police crono take my own pellets in
  2. the point is i shouldnt be getting caution for something i bought from a shop i wanted a licenece dont think will get one now
  3. they cant do that, if your brand of pellet your using doesnt exceed the power then your ok, get that off the police what pellet they use and tell them what you use, get a good solictitor on the case it states here make sure you know your gun's power with your pellets http://www.youngmans.com/acatalog/law.html as long as you took the nesserary percautions to know and are with in power with your pellets then they havent got a case tonight at 9pm 4th jan i will be asking police to retest my rifle with my own pellets(powerpell) date check on police crono take my own pellets in
  4. i had permission with me from landowner i had finished shooting on was on way home i was about 2 miles away from home about 5am i got pulled over by police they said to me they was a few burglaries in the area so they checked my car over, in boot was my rifle in case in boot unloaded pellets was even in glove box they missed,so they said to me we are taking rifle for testing
  5. they cant do that, if your brand of pellet your using doesnt exceed the power then your ok, get that off the police what pellet they use and tell them what you use, get a good solictitor on the case it states here make sure you know your gun's power with your pellets http://www.youngmans.com/acatalog/law.html as long as you took the nesserary percautions to know and are with in power with your pellets then they havent got a case tonight at 9pm 4th jan i will be asking police to retest my rifle with my own pellets(powerpell) date check on police crono take my own pellets in
  6. its a .22 i think they use there own pellets not sure
  7. i need a bit of help and advice i bought a bsa (airrifle) from a shop in hull(duncans gunshop) anyway i went hunting with it,on way home i got pulled by police for a routine check anyway they took rifle off me,and when they tested it ,when checks came back it was over 12 pounds,so now i getting charged with class 1 firarms what can i do. i have reciets that i bought rifle 2 weeks eaylier
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