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The Sporting Agent

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Everything posted by The Sporting Agent

  1. I'm looking for a ferret (and hutch, but can get that seperatly) for a young girl; as her first ferret to learn the ropes with and learn to look after it. Hob or Jill but must be of good temprement. I'm between Gloucester and Bristol, near the M5 and will travel or meet up to about 40 miles. Thanks, Chris
  2. Tom you are really flying off the mark now. My referance to Scotland (and England, Wales and N.I) as a region has nothing to do with its cultural identity and everything to do with it being a specific geographic area within a larger region which makes up the UK. Yes, Scotland is a country in its own right, I have never and will never say otherwise, but for the basis of a UK wide organisation it (like Wales, England and N.I) may quite reasonably be refered to as a region - of an organisation that operates all over the UK, to put it in context. In the same way that should one want to break the U
  3. Ive read both threads from start to finish Tom and I cant see what the problem is,with merging the threadsT.S.A. has taken a fair bit of flak over this idea,hes floated the idea and by the response it may not go anywhere.I can see in boths your post that you may have one thing in common is passion about Field Sports.Myself I dont think the Sporting Agents idea wont get off the ground Again, another honest response, thank you.
  4. I'm sorry but the way your posts comme accross, with words hilighted in bold and with "!!!!" after some words don't give the impression that you are extremely calm. You mention manipulation on my part, which you pick out that I did not answer in my last post; I didn't answer because the merging of threads is nothing to do with me. I don't have the ability to merge any thread or make administrative changes just like no other members do. Yet more "!!!!" and bold type.... The fact that you have a SACS team operating in NI is great, and indead that you hope to follow that out with reg
  5. Good God Tom calm down. "this fiasco"?I have had some critisizm about this idea but for it to be called a fiasco I think is a little hash, particulary as the seemingly "official" line from SACS. I have no problem with SACS or the other larger organisations, however you seem to have a huge problem with either me, my idea or both, primeraly based on my exclusion of SACS from the list on the original poll (for reasons I have explained). If SACS sees itself in some way as developing the roll that I have sugested is needed, and I have no doubt in the work that SACS is doing, perhaps it aught give
  6. How will we know it's you, will you be wearing the same cap as in your avitar Probably........and I'll have 4 spaniels and a terrier in tow!
  7. Anyone who feels they might want to talk this idea out a little further, or just meet me to see I'm not some money grabbing sharlitan; I'll be at the West Country GF on Sunday at the Bath & West Show Ground; PM me and we can arange to meet for a pint.
  8. Another honest response, thank you for your honest opinion. Chris.
  9. Now now! calm down , heres my take on it. The idea in principal is a good one, in practice it would probably be impossible to implement. The cost of just getting the idea of the ground would run into many thousands of pounds, staff and premises, phone lines and promotional advertising, membership forms etc. Please don’t suggest that meetings could be held in a pub, if just 1% of people involved in shooting, country and field sports joined up, a damn great conference hall would be needed to hold a meeting. I accept that no insurance is to be offered but public liability cover for ‘T
  10. Well, I've just caught up with the thread; I guess that answers that question then! But anyone who questions my integriry or desire for wanting to make a change can f**k right off; I don't see anyone else trying to do anything. Maybe I got the idea wrong, maybe not, but something has to be done.
  11. Not at all; you don't have to unite behind me at all, I'm just the one sticking my neck out at the moment because nobody else has or will; but WE DO HAVE TO UNITE in some way, behind something, with some direction. Thats the premis of what I'm saying.
  12. Do I know the ins and outs of setting up a charity? Whats involved? Likewise a NfPO? Yes, actually I do. I have been involved with two organisations (nothing to do with field sports) for over ten years,. My reason for not including SACS in my poll (I had as you rightly presume intended their inclusion in Other) is because in the grand scheme of members organisations SACS are not one of the bigger recognised associations. That is no slight on SACS, but the ones I listed are everyday known organisations; nobody can presume to question the content of my iorriginal question, as it was set by m
  13. I've got a few ideas on both fronts, organisation and set-up but I'm here looking for feedback and advise, good or bad so the floor is open.........The basis obviously is for a meeting of likeminded people, but with a structure, a goal, and defined targets for success. The key aim being to unite us all, the second being the marketing and promotion of our sport. Without the first, the second will never properly happen.
  14. Just moved to Cam from Welsh/Shrops border.
  15. Maybe thats a sighn of the apathy creaping in maybe its a sighn of people only reading what they see is the latest topic that interests them ie dogs; shooting; falconry etc But one thing is for sure; its a sigh that there needs to be something done, to bring us together into whay would be one hell of a formidable force!
  16. Some of you may have seen the thread pinned at the top of this forum concerning field sports/country organisations. There is a lot of information in there, as well as in the sporting press and eleswhere about the need for a cohesive stance on "pro hunting" from the organisations we are all members of; indead they acknowledge it themselves and pretend to join forces for this or that piece of legislation; but while they have dedicated areas of expertese and wish to fight to protect their little corner of field sports, we as a hunting population will never be united to fight and win over pub
  17. The whole class war, or the perception of it is certanly one of the larger factors in the antis fight against us; we see it in all walks of life; the traditional "upper classes" are critisized and pushed out in favour of the new upper class - a liberal professional elite, as are traditional working class folk in favour of imigrant families. Now I just think we have a migrant class, a working class in blue collar jobs, a professional elite and the super rich! People from all walks of life take part in field sports; as they do in many other sports. If its a class thing alone then why not fig
  18. Briliant news, congratulations
  19. Audi. Had them all in the list, and the Audi is the best mix of quality, cost, style, range, great drive, go for miles and miles, FAB diesel engine and hold their value (as well as a second hand car can!)
  20. Just been to Mark Hazel Gun Room in Wooton Under Edge; bought a cracking little knife...... I've owned knives from Helle in the past, and for the money I have to say they are just fantastic. Scandinavian, tripple laminated stainless steel, with an edge you would not believe! Anyone looking for a good hunting knife, check out the Helle rage. This one is the Varg, but I can also recoment the Odell, and kvirkraken highly.
  21. Hi there, I'm not totally sure how far they chech although Iwas under the ionpression it was 10 years, sure someone here will know for sure. What matters more is the nature of the offence and the conviction; if it was a firearms offence and you were convicted (in a caution) they you will be banned for life from owning a firearm. If you want tome reall advise, give the firearms dept at BASC a ring and they should answer your question. If you want to check your record for yourself, you can apply for a CRB check, do a google search; think they areabout £15.
  22. Just following on from what somone said in another thread; we hunt because...... 1/ its an effective method of pest control 2/ it puts food on our table and the tables of others (hotels, restaurants, butchers, supermarkets, we exports it) 3/ it puts food in the bowls of our dogs 4/ ............we also happen to derive pleasure from being at one with nature, working with nature, an escape from the stresses and strains of daily life 5/ we enjoy working the land, cultivating game and wildlife in a natural environment So if there are legitimate, valid resons why we do what we do, what
  23. I agree with your pints Tom, and am especially sad about the story of the Scotish CA Chief Exec, but am not really surprised by it. I'm not going to defend what he said at all, I don't know the situation but I'm sure part of it might have been based on them thinking the battle was being lost, lets throw this out there and hop for the best, hang them out to dry to save something else. And thats wrong. I agree with what you say about a super organisation; in the sence of an amalgamation of what we have - it'll never happen. And TBH I don't tjhink it sould. Like them or lothe them; the existi
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