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The Sporting Agent

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Everything posted by The Sporting Agent

  1. My mrs little girl is only 4 but she has already been introduced to the ways of hunting. She understands that we shoot birds to eat them, and can't wait to come and see how its done, got her own little pink ear defenders for the job too. She tells everyone that birdies are to be shot then eaten..... Loves watching the arena demos at game fairs and is now mad keen to get a ferret and learn all about them!! She's also mad mad keen on horses, and had a few lessons.......think this whole thing could get expensive
  2. Not sure about Bedlingtons specifically, but this link might help: http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/itch.html
  3. What bread is she? Some are very suseptable to skin dissorders, rashes and the like which cause irritation.
  4. When are you going? I know there is a decent equestrian centre up there if riding is your thing, and a place you can hire Land Rovers to go on an offroad safari.....lovely part of the world.
  5. Def would get my vote. He's the only MP who actually wants to reduce MP's wages and make their earnings and bonuses more transparant. Talks sence, says whats on his mind and tells it like it is. We could do a hell of a lot worse. In fact have a hell of a lot worse at the moment; and the last one!!
  6. Give these guys a try: http://www.saleandpartners.co.uk/
  7. There's a fecking question.....!! TBH, no idea, but have a read through this link or ask on the enclosed forum if you get no joy here; http://www.wildfowling.co.uk/ducks/
  8. I know a couple of guides who charge £ per day. Likewise, I know of guys (mysef included in the past) who have paid farmers between 50p-£1 per acre per year for rights. The irony is, in some pasts of the country farmers will pay you to shoot them, in others you have to pay them!!
  9. Contact Bob Goss at ECH Global; he's based in Shrops and has quite a bit of pigeon shooting in the area.
  10. A rare US market Browning shooting vest, in waxed cotton and leather. Dark brown, size is marked XXL but with side adjusters, I'm a 46inch chest and I guess it will go up to 50/52in. Used but in good cond. Deep bellows pockets and zip front. A really heavy duty vest. Any offers; postage at cost or can collect, just off junction 13/14 of M5. Proceds will go towards my participation in the race to the North Pole in aid of SSAFA and The Children's Society.
  11. I have 50 tins of air rifle pellets, mostly .22 but a hand full of tins of .177 to. There is a mix of Bisley and H&N. I'm open to offers for this lot; anyone interested PM me for exact details of what there is. Pick up only really possible due to the weight of the whole lot. Just off junction 13/14 of the M5 in Gloucestershire. Proceds will go towards my participation in the race to the North Pole in aid of SSAFA and The Children's Society.
  12. I'm selling this hand made British leather gun slip. Only used a hanfull of times. "This 52-inch single gunslip is designed to accommodate barrel lengths of up to 33 inches. Made from thick, vegetable-tanned, dark brown leather with best quality, natural brass fittings , it has a detachable, fully adjustable strap with a suede-lined shoulder pad attached to the slip by means of brass springhooks. The flap is secured with a substantial brass buckle for ease of use on cold mornings. It is lined with quick-drying fleece which can be exposed by opening the straight side zip to making drying
  13. I'm selling my Gerber LMF knife. A cracking knife, I just don't use it. Retails at £100; I'm after £50. The link bellow has the spec and more details about it; http://www.gerbergear.com/product.php?model=1400 Proceds will go towards my participation in the race to the North Pole in aid of SSAFA and The Children's Society.
  14. The Beufort Hunt near us does the same sort of thing; not sure about naming the pups, but it goes into some of the schools and shows the kids what its all about. A bloody good ide; if only all schools allowed it!
  15. If you plan on seeing everything and getting a feel for the whole thing then you def need more than one day. I always travel over on the Thursday, and then leave on the Monday morning; its not cheap that way but it is a great few days. Highly recomend it; and if you are going to do more than one day; camp on site don't B&B in Woodstock. The campsite at Blenheim is right next to the showground (at some of the others its a bit of a longer walk), well worth it.
  16. Yes it was last year. I have a few friends that had stands booked. I know there was a huge ding dong over guys not getting their money back but from what I understand its been sorted now. There were big complaints and even legal cases. I don't think anyone had money refunded but there were amicable agreements met. One of the guys I know, makes great leather gun slips etc, has booked for this year, because of the deal he has struck with them including a discount etc; and he was one of the traders at the forefront of the complaints. I think the CLA realised that by doing something to help
  17. While I owned a gun shop I had a few small incidents; regularly had notes left on my car calling me a bunny killer and murderer etc. Had a group (3 or 4) "students" come in one day trying to sell me something (for rag or charity or something) and then they clocked all the guns, taxidermy etc and started trying to bail me out..........very observant, what the hell did they think was in a shop with a great big sign outside saying "FIELD SPORTS"!!?? But more seriously, the Christmas before last, on the 15th Dec, I was walking back from a charity dinner in town, early hours of the morning an
  18. Our most recent addition............
  19. The Midland is a great show, its big and an ideal place to grab those end of season (show season) bargains; but its not a patch on the size and content of the CLA, you really have to go once just to see what its all about. It is a bit pricey but its bloody good. The camping set up is great, there are always groups of campers having parties and BBQ's; its a completely diferent show to any of the others.
  20. Me Mrs TSA, little TSA and the dogs will be there camping for the full show. It really is THE show to end all shows, not just from a field sports point of view but all things countryside, farming, cooking the lot, reall great few days and the atmosphere at the camp site is great. This years is prob the best venue they use too.....
  21. I'd be straight down there; those fact are downright lies! What The F**K are they teaching children??? That bull shit is ok...?? f**k writing to the MP about hunting...Write to them about the lies that the school are pushing!!! And the Countryside Alliance, like them or lothe them they'll do something about it!!
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