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The Sporting Agent

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Everything posted by The Sporting Agent

  1. You did it.............this IS THE book.........book 's not 70's
  2. Not read that but I'll have a look out for a copy. I've read and talked to many about this subject; I'm not a true believer or anything like that; quite open on the whole subject. Don't hold any sway with these guys who talk about black panthers and the like, the x files consprosy theorists; but if you take a pragmatic view its very interesting. Harry and this Shuker guy were seriously knowlegable but without being stupid star gazers if you catch my drift? Much of what you read (even from other hunters) is just B.S but the truth about the possibility, the way their genetics work etc is very in
  3. Just tried to google it; all I came up with was some actor by the same name........going to have to spend the weekend digging that bloody book out now! It might be called Mistary of the Big Cat or something like that. Like I said its a 70's book. Any big old book shop should be able to search the authors name on the ISBN lists....... http://www.isbn.nu/aisbn/shuker%20karl%20p%20n/ This is some of his books, but the one I'm talking about isn't there. More research me thinks....................
  4. We all know what the RSPB and more so the RSPCA are capable of and how they carry out a lot of their work. I don't think there are many true animal lovers that really have much good to say about them.
  5. This Shuker book goes into detail about the possibilty of these original cats breeding with native ferrals and domestics, the "wild" cat having a stronger gene than the domestic resulting in the kittens being proportionally more like the wilder cat and obviously down the generations this gets stronger. There was also mention of a ketten pack leader killing its own domestic mother in an atack. All very interesting.
  6. Carl Shuker; thats him. Its a great book. Clear, no bull shit, plenty of facts and common sence without the whole X Files rubbish. Just wish I knew where it was...... The old guy that gave it to me was a friend of his, living on the Shrops/Powys border but orriginally from London. A bloody interesting bloke, shame I lost contact with him really. "All the best to 'ya Harry!" I'll have to dig the book out; cant remember the name of it now; but I can picture the cover. Black hard back with yellow text on the cover and a pic..........!! If I dig it out I'll let you know; otherwise try
  7. I'm not arguing for one side or the other; they do exist, they don't, they are cross breads etc....I'm open to learning on this one. But as for why have we not seen proof??? We have evidence of prints and kills etc; that may or may not be said pussycats. But take a look at how any wild cats in Africa or South America live; if they don't want to be seen they dont get seen, its that simple. The Snow Leopard as an example; we know its thare but despite many many efforts there have only been a hand full (if not less) of sightings.......... Also on the subject of proof; I have a book, quite
  8. Yeh....of course; you got a spare £10K??? Just thought it was interesting; there are a number of types of cat out there that we know very little about, the fact that this guy is cross breading is also a valid point as "experts" believe that many of the so called "big cats" that are reported today are just that; crosses of domestic and ferrel or larger wild cats released into the countryside decades ago.
  9. Yes I think the Olympics should be boycotted. Not just because of China's record with regards Tibet and Darfur, but their entire human rights record which is ongoing. No civilized society aught to opress its people with threats and murder. The Olympics should not have gone to them in the first place; and for me the ethos of Olympiad is tainted by its holding in Beijing. I have nothing against the Chinese people; just their Government. Likewise I do not think it is our (western democracy) place to forcably change the Chinese Government.
  10. Quote:: It is perhaps just as well that this moggy is happy to eat supermarket cat food. It is the most expensive pet cat on the market – priced at £12,000 – so you might expect it to have more expensive tastes. The Ashera, billed as the world's 'largest, rarest and most exotic' domestic cat, is the size of a small dog and sports eye-catching leopard-like spots and tiger stripes. British businessman Simon Brodie is selling the designer kittens for £10,796 plus shipping costs – and already has a nine-month waiting list. The Internet entrepreneur used a team of gene
  11. Some interesting articles on the RSPCA; I think we all know they are a bunch of idiots out for their own agenda; I don't know many that have much good to say about them. Its just a pity that the general public don't see it and are contantly confronted with membeship ads etc in magazines and keep spueing cash into their coffers....
  12. In the last 12months or so they have come a long way. When AGS bought the name (about 2years ago now) the first shotguns they had made up where CRAP. Proper rubbish. As a dealer I was invited to the launch of the range at Minsterly Ranges; it was a piss poor day as nobody from the retail trade turned up (I only went because I was just up the road, and the buffet was free!!), mostly because the guns had been shown to dealers in the months leading up to the launch and the views were less than impressive. For a while after each Webly I saw was not much better and I know there were problems wi
  13. These are extracts from LACS and AA's current campaign pages.......they need to find better things to do me thinks! Ask Ebay to Ban Fox Hunting DVDs - ANIMAL AID Ebay – the online shop and auction site – has been stocking DVDs that promote and celebrate hunting with hounds, coursing and lamping. Although most of the sellers list their item as ‘educational’ and state that the DVDs do not promote illegal activity, some of the descriptions boast ‘this dvd is a hunters must have dvd’ and this DVD ‘WILL HELP YOU GET MORE KILLS’. Selling DVDs that depict real-life animal c
  14. Surely these "extreme" antis are nothing more than terrorists? Usung violence, threatening behavious, hiding their faces with masks and hoodies......digging up an elderly womans dead body.....come on...... ......they may not all be members of LACS but it all seems to be dome in either their name or Animal Aid's. Surely someone aught to try and take them to court for "Incitement to comit crime"?
  15. Hes pretty active this Simon Wilde bloke eh..... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../nsoames119.xml Someone aught to catch him on camera not wearing a seatbelt, or throwing a fagend on the floor; something really petty and take a private prosecution against him for it!
  16. John (Lofty) is working for Trueways Survival School.
  17. Can't comment on his passing selection or not but I believe a picture of him has been published in uniform, badged with UKSF HALO wings on his uniform...... He was also a member prior to the tightening of the OSA restrictions. I too read and saw the reports about him staying in the hotel during filming on a dessert island; I think he made a public appology about that and that a note has been added to his programme stating that the show is not a factual documentary but a "how to", or whatever, anyway, a get out clause. His balloon effort over Everest was not done directly above Everest
  18. As I understand he served on a full time basis (which can be done in both 21 and 23 SAS) as well as with R Det/Sqn. Either way, if he was badged, he passed selection....
  19. What makes you think it didn't come from there Ray Mears trained Bear Grylls and was adviser to the SAS for ten years I didn't think Ray Mears had any military experience, least i never thought he had been in the military??? He (RM) doesn't, but he has taught as a civilian many military units including UKSF. Bear Grylls on the other hand served for 2 years with either 23 SAS and also with R Squadron.
  20. An "open ticket" does not mean you (or he) can shoot just anywhere, the wording on the license will say something to the effect of " may shoot such and such callible at such and such quarry on any lande deemed suitable by the chief firearms officer in that force area...... ....Needless to say permission is also needed. ATB
  21. Neutragena (the Scandinavian fishermans hand cream??) is about the best cream, but THE BEST thing to use is natural beeswax; like furniture wax......AMAZING. Used to get it a lot, but not so bad these days.
  22. She's a tight fisted feckin anti too though!!
  23. I started to read the firts line and I thought you were seroius!! I was going to say, what about her environmental credentials.....then I though "she already drives a Porsche and a Merc 4x4....both VERY economical end environmentally friendly......then I read the second line and pissed myself!! Got to say I HATE both Macca and Mucca (Pornochio) equally; part of me wishes she got nothing and part of me wishes she took him for the full £800million! Anyway, just exactly how does she drive two cars with only one let and less than half a brain????
  24. In the last 12months or so they have come a long way. When AGS bought the name (about 2years ago now) the first shotguns they had made up where CRAP. Proper rubbish. As a dealer I was invited to the launch of the range at Minsterly Ranges; it was a piss poor day as nobody from the retail trade turned up (I only went because I was just up the road, and the buffet was free!!), mostly because the guns had been shown to dealers in the months leading up to the launch and the views were less than impressive. For a while after each Webly I saw was not much better and I know there were problems wi
  25. Yes; it will change the elevation, prob only slightly but it will.
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