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The Sporting Agent

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Everything posted by The Sporting Agent

  1. A great turn out. We are only up the road in Slimbridge and have wanted to follow the hunt this season since moving down, but work and shooting has gotten in the way! Next season maybe..... Keep up the support everyone!
  2. Sorry to hear about this, lets hope its all sorted for the better on the 7th. I've read a number of posts on this thread stating that the keepers had no right to arrest/detain/etc (call it what you will), and I think it needs putting right. Unfortunatly (in this case) they do. Not as keepers specifically, but as individuals who may have been under the belief that a crime had either or was about to be commited. Fact. Under section 24A of PACE, Police & Criminal Evidence Act, any person other than a Warranted officer (Policeman) can make an Anyperson Arrest, what we know as a citizen
  3. Think this is what you are looking for.... Cluelite 30mm Mount
  4. As others have said, there are lots of choices; BASC, SACS, NGO, CA etc etc For me it is BASC all the way. The policy is clearer, there is more back-up, the guys in their specialist depts are very very helpfull, especially on the firearms front, and as has been said they have more teeth and clout than the others when it comes to arguing your corner. There have been cases of then not helping in some cases. But its worth noting they are a Members organisation, they help their members, not those who are not members. In legal cases, they will offer advice, the best advice, but (I believe)
  5. Wondered if anyone here goes out with a beagle pack? And if anyone knows of a pack that runs in the south Cotswolds; Glos, Bristol, Malmsbury kind of way? Cheers
  6. Think the Atherstone Hunt are your best bet, here:01530 242184 Atherstone Hunt
  7. I think you misunderstood my post...air rifle or rimfire....I would struggle to put one lump of shot into a bunnies head with ANY shotgun!! Sorry Deker, I wasn't responding directly to your comments about putting holes in them! I meant that as with a 12b, it only takes one piece of lead to do the job.
  8. It only takes one piece of shot, and you can just as well put one on the right place with a .410 as you can a 12b as long as you shoot acordingly. Love my W&S and really aught to do more with it; might use it on Boxing day!
  9. Check out Silverman's; that said I have a pair of Altberg Desert Veldthogg..................abs awsome boots, well worth a look too!
  10. Sounds like a cracking day was had. Whereabouts in Llan do you shoot?
  11. Agreed. Heard nothing but good about him. There is also another guy used (I think by BASC et al) who writes in ST sometimes, think his name is Barrington-Barnes or similar.
  12. You can also download a PDF form from the Firearms Dept section on the BASC website with all the area PFD contact details you'll need.
  13. Never a more prominent reminder about the need for proper target identification and the need for a safe shot and backstop.... That could have been a hell of a lot worse.
  14. I should think bandwidth would be the main thing; the more members joing the more is needed and the more posts and pics too........hosting, maintenance etc etc Its not free to tun a website like this.
  15. Great to see you there; hope you find it of interest.
  16. Picker up looking for opportunities in NE Scotland......... Opportunities for picking-up and beating in North Shrops....... New section added for recruitment/jobs within gamekeeping & field sports.
  17. I personally would not vote for them dispite being right wing myself; I'm not THAT right wing! Don't be put off your own choices by what other say or might think of you; that said organisations such as the Police (county forces and Home Office) do make it a condition on your application (if you were to apply for a job) of being open about support/membership of the BNP........but thats a dif story. Stick with what you feel and believe in and you won't go far wrong.
  18. Adverts for beaters wanted in Totness; Wotton-Under-Edge and Oxford. Advert for pickers-up in Forest of Bowland. There is also a new area for people seeking work on shoots/estates and recruitment.
  19. Shoot near Totness looking for beaters if any of you are in the area and looking...............
  20. The website to go with the forum/ads is now up and running, its a bit basic but gives visitors an idea of what its about. I'm told there are more pics and bits to be added but for now it gets the message accross. http://pubs--pickers-up-beaters-shoots.co.uk/ Admin/Mods, is there any chance this could be made Sticky for a week or so just to give people a decent chance of seeing it? Thanks, Chris.
  21. Still got the Range Rover, managed to sort the electrical issue out; but have bought a Defender 110 too. Its great for the dogs and throwing all the kit in, just perfect. Looked at all sorts of Jap stuff before we got it, but this was the only thing that fitted the bill just right!
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