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The Sporting Agent

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Everything posted by The Sporting Agent

  1. I'm never sure about the National Service debate, or the conscription one......I understand the argument and see that it has worked in the past, and indeed still does in many countries. My problem with it is from the paid soldiers point of view and one of cohesion. As someone who has served volunterally; ie I joined up; I would not feel overly impressed standing next to a man who had been told to be there by the Government and didn't really want to be there. I know in all walks of life there are guys doing jobs they don't like or want to do; but most people in the forces in the main are there
  2. I sympathise with those of you talking about your "children" above. I don't mean that to sound patronising if it does. I'm 29 with a 4 yo (almost) step daugher, so don't have any of the experiances that you are talking about. But we see and hear on a daily basis stories and pictures in the media portraying the younger generation as louts, wearing hoodies, standing on street corners causing trouble; then we hear the otherside, the "hug-a-hoodie" debate, that these guys are missunderstood, that they can't get jobs because of public perception not that they won't get jobs etc..... I was wonde
  3. It doeas affect my sport, my family and the industry I work in......try mocha for size, might be more PC.....god I hate PC, but we've seen today already what having an opinion does. Lurchergrrl raised a valid point, as a Canadian (I think ?)....At what point does one become "not" an imigrant? After a period of time, or a period of contribution to society and its values? I was adopted. born in Wales to an Irish woman.....because at the time abortion and adoption were both iliegal in Ireland. So, I'm not British by birth. But I served in the Queens army, I donate money regularly to Briti
  4. The borders should not be open to any more immigrants .This country is over populated as it is .Propper policing of what comes in would eliminate the smuggled element ,surely .You cant tell me all these illegals are getting in unnoticed !A blind eye is geing turned somewhere i know .As for deporting them ,Stop and search in inner cities would turn up hell of a lot and the rest are on building sites .Anybody without an I.D[issued when they arrived legally ] would be questioned further then deported ,simple . EU -theres another crock of shit [but not for this thread] .Our future government [ho
  5. Recently I went out a-moochin' after being in town, and couldn't be arsed to change so there I was in my waterproof, green wellies, tights and a mini skirt, trudging through the rainy, mucky fields with my dawgs and three kids. Ran into some of the local lads out with their lurchers, and whilst we were chatting I could just feel them thinking "what kind of plonker goes out mooching in a skirt" I digress ... Every country has people who are extreme - extremely rude, extremely ignorant, extremely violet etc etc. No way should ANYONE be allowed to promote violence, no matter where they hail
  6. what can i say to that ?? i agree but what a horrable way to be forced into that position. Maybe thats what it boils down to, who knows? I certanly would have more self respect working hard for a low wage than sitting in my arse all day. I'm not going to debate the cost of living etc, but there are alot of minimum wage jobs about, or guys on a higher hourly rate with fewer hours, these jobs in question wehe well above minimum wage with a decent bit of "extras" too. I know if he could pay £8 per hour he would, likewise £ ph but thats not the way life is. Maybe it is horrible to be for
  7. Probably between 4-500. check second hand prices on guntrader.co.uk
  8. I can understand what you say about the financial side of things; I'm luck, I haven't needed to worry, my industry secor is well paid but believe it or not even we are getting squeezed out by lower paid europeans!! I'm actually hoping to take 12months off to do some mountaineering for charity (Lord B was planning on joining us); and we'll see what state the industry is in when I get back. But surely guys are better off with a decent job, a pay packet and respect than they are sitting on their arses taking taxpayers money which will be less?? Is it a case of self respect? Surely its a star
  9. I sympathise with many of your points above, the No Go areas etc, I truly do. As a soldier and security contractor (trying to make an honest living in field sports) I have seen this kind of narrow minded behaviour first hand - and been on the receiving end of it. But when it comes to those that genuinely want to work what are we meant to do? This is not their fault, it is the fault of the system and out insane government and its policies. A close friend (Lord B from here) advertised a number of jobs (3 or 4) unskilled labouring jobs, but easy money for someone who likes working outsdoo
  10. So who the hell pays your rent or mortgage, phone bill, buys your beer and fags etc etc? I'd love to not have to work all day and go out shooting or working the dogs, but unfortunatly these things have to be done... .....john debbage's old job is going spare (if he ever had one); anyone know and Eastern Europeans looking for work??
  11. Unfecking believable. I'm an immigrant - who's got a problem with that? What, I can stay because I speak English and have white skin? Or would some of you lot deport me as well? I'm skilled - executive Admin, but atm I'm home with my 3 young kids until the twins start nursery in Sept, so I'm not working. And as my British OH turned out to be nothing more than a useless drunk, I'm on my own (And may I add he is also happy to sign on and work under the table; something I would NEVER do). Should I drag my kids thousands of miles to Canada because my marriage imploded? Not going to happen. I'l
  12. Copied this here from the Threatening PM's thread.... Well, there are some NOBS on here; and here was I thinking that NOBS was another forum, come on guys, cut a guy some slack!! I've just got to J's (Lord house for a bit of Sunday scran; so YES I'm using his PC as I often do seeing as I work a lot from his office trying to set up a sporting agency with him..... There is a whole load of crap being thrown at J on this thread and the Being British one so he's off, and I can't blame him. No loss I'm sure many of you might think but for f**k sake we are all meant to be on here for the
  13. Para1, what on earth are you talking about???? Calling people pricks then saying you are mates,, contradicting your own messages.............what does American friendly fire have to do with it?? .........this is not a townie v's country debate, to call it such is very naieve
  14. Thanks to those who have contacted me about exhibiting at the show, your details have been passed to NESSR and someone will contact you shortly. http://www.nessr.net/
  15. Some points in here very relevant to the "Channel 4" debate, quite agree LB, food production, marketing etc is wholely wrong, we need to inform and educate and stop the demand for rubbish no matter what produce it is......
  16. I agree with Lord B; as for gun oil I fing Leiga spray is the best allthough I'm sure there will be other who recomend something else. I personaly find it a good all round oil; but there are others out there. Bisley do a good basic oil as do Remington (Remoil)
  17. Wanted; A replica or blank fireing Glock, Sig, Beretta, Browning or similar pistol. Must be a strippable replica not a BB or CO2 version. Any condition considered, cash waiting. FYI; I'm over 18 (29 in fact), got both FAC & SGC (not that it makes a diferance) Thanks a lot.
  18. What would you guys have? Looking for a large cal rifle for large game ie UK deer, wild boar, African game, American bear etc If money was no object, well lets lay £2-3k max not including scope.
  19. There will be a new dog show held in Northumberland next summer. The show run for the second time will be over 2 days (this year was only 1). I will be helping to organise it in a small part. The show is to raise money for a locally based nationwide spaniel rescue, with stalls and trade stands, as well as falconry displays and dog displays etc.... Last years event attracted over 2000 visitors in one day. There will be the chance for someone (club maybe) to do some displays and have a stand, promoting working dogs, be they gun, terrier or running dogs. As well as oportunities fo
  20. Doubtfull. We have space for a gun in our syndicate in Lochaber. I'll PM you the details Lord B.
  21. Saw this last week and gave it a try. Loved it...............with an ice cold cider
  22. I joined the forum a week or so back and have been reading a few of the topics quietly without biting. Now I've bided my time. It really does seem that there are a small minority on here who don't give a damn about what they say, or care about weather what they say is right. They are not doing anyone any favours, least of all themselves and the reputation of this forum.
  23. I'm interested. When yu have more details send me a PM.....
  24. Does anyone havea shirt or jacket from Swanndri? I understand the wool is treated to be amazingly naturally waterproof and hardwearing. I was thinking of buying the ranger shirt, but didn't know if I should get the standard one which should be WP to a point or the version with a WP drop liner..... Anyone got any experiance of them?
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