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The Sporting Agent

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About The Sporting Agent

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 18/12/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Llangollen & Gloucester
  • Interests
    Walked up, driven and rough shooting<br />Stalking<br />Fly fishing<br />Fieldcraft, hunting and supporting all rural matters
  1. The Diary of a Gamekeeper blog which was formerly on the Shooting Community website has now got a new home; those of you with an interest in keepering and wildlife management will surely enjoy it. Well worth a read, as well as other interesting subforums. Diary of a Gamekeeper
  2. Spot on! We all hate the ban, and it efects us all directly or indirecly; as do the other recent laws brought in which seem to us to opress the way of life we have. Be that the new proposed dogs act, duty on fuel, post office closures (likewise village schools), changes in public transports, game laws etc etc. It all feels like its set againsat us; but the attitude of f##k it, does not wash because those who see us as outdated, cruel, stupid (whatever) are able to take our words and use them against us. Its wrong, its sad, but we have to wind our necks in and play the game. Country
  3. A worthy thing to do; if you log onto the Downing Street website there is a section where you can register a petition online, then it can be seen on their website and all you have to do is send the link out so that people can register their support direct online at Downing Street. There may well be such a petition already on there, worth a look Also take a look at this link; the Countryside Alliance have set up a similar petition; Countryside Alliance Petition Good luck with it.
  4. I use a Napier patch for just this purpose. Other methods can either hasten corrosion if there is existing moisture in the gun or damage woodwork. Silca gel is a common option, and while this is great for removing moisture from the air it does nothing if there is any in the gun to start, likewise oil on a cloth. This is just about the best way, costs about £7 and lasts 6-9 months in the cabinet. I write the date on them and replace then acordingly. Napier patch I have a number of older guns, oldest being from 1892, and I have tried every trick in the book to look after them an
  5. Spot on! We all hate the ban, and it efects us all directly or indirecly; as do the other recent laws brought in which seem to us to opress the way of life we have. Be that the new proposed dogs act, duty on fuel, post office closures (likewise village schools), changes in public transports, game laws etc etc. It all feels like its set againsat us; but the attitude of f##k it, does not wash because those who see us as outdated, cruel, stupid (whatever) are able to take our words and use them against us. Its wrong, its sad, but we have to wind our necks in and play the game. Country
  6. Spot on! We all hate the ban, and it efects us all directly or indirecly; as do the other recent laws brought in which seem to us to opress the way of life we have. Be that the new proposed dogs act, duty on fuel, post office closures (likewise village schools), changes in public transports, game laws etc etc. It all feels like its set againsat us; but the attitude of f##k it, does not wash because those who see us as outdated, cruel, stupid (whatever) are able to take our words and use them against us. Its wrong, its sad, but we have to wind our necks in and play the game. Country
  7. Again, these are common sence words that need to be acted on by members. Often times threads have resulted in discussions on this topic but rarely do posters/members take action or take on board what has been said; we see that till in the contents of some posts that still end up here. This (or any other fora) is NOT JUST a forum. And unfortunatly our detractors are not all stupid dirty hippys.
  8. I have not watched the links yet (I have a prob with YouTube on this server). But I do have strong misgivings about the RSPB (and RSPCA) and not just their remit, but how they see their roll and what they think their role is in todays world. Their names say it all; who mentioned half of the legal issues they feel is their right to get involved in, pettition and projects they try to pursue? I wonder if either (or both) the GCT or the BTO might take up some of the type of projects that the RSPB are A; making a hash of and B; have no place in trying to pursue themselves.
  9. Le Chammeau, keather lined full zip wide calf fitting, had them over 5 years and only started to come appart at the bonded seal between the heel and ankle this season - bit of Stomsure, and fixed! Best £250 I've ever spent on boots. I've also got a pair of the Hunter Abernathy that were given to me; half gusset and neoprene lined. I can't fault them. In the very cold when you are standing about they are exceptionally warm. I think they RRP at about £100, and they have been very good.
  10. Precisely. The sooner we all learn that and action on it the better.
  11. So because someone doesn't post about "going out" (hunting), does that mean there is something fishy going on?! I rarely if ever post on here about what I have done. Well why join a hunting site and just sit on the fence Why? To "chat" with likeminded people, both about hunting and related subjects and equally about none hunting subjects. Sitting on the fence is not my style. I am exceptionally vocal in my support for all field sports, and am indead a Mod on another forum specifically set up to encourage novices into field sports. But as my agreeing with Chris' co
  12. I went the summer before last for the first (and only) time, as part of a stag do; 20odd of us, all either ex or serving army a couple of whom are working in PSD roles abroad. It was fun. But, I think the fun was due to the arogance of the instructors/marshalls who in a few games battled against us and took great pride in telling us how "expert" they were, how much more powerfull their "weapons" were than ours etc. We just went through the play book of Section Battle Drills etc and they never stood a chance - no matter how powerfull their Gucci weapons were! Stood there in their fl
  13. So because someone doesn't post about "going out" (hunting), does that mean there is something fishy going on?! I rarely if ever post on here about what I have done.
  14. Load of tosh, leave it be! Bloody press......
  15. I could not agree more. Sure there are bound to be some here who are not here to share in what we do; our detractors are in all walks of life. The sooner members stop posting rubbish the better, doing so only gives oneself the rope to put round our necks; it's doing their work for them. We as field sports enthusiasts are good people engaged in legal activites, of course there are tossers in all walks of life but such is life. But we do not need to be doing the work of our detractors for them.
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