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Everything posted by fireman

  1. Good on the little bitch and better to have more than one tool in the box mate . I always stand behind the keepers i go out with so it's all there fault if they miss ,but they haven't yet in the last few years so banter is a bit thin on the ground sometimes....
  2. Like i said bud i used her for all sorts and at the time she was under 2 years old, it also had me "on her" when she was around a rabbit hole and she could have a sniff around one but stick more than a nose in and i was on her and she soon learnt when to and when not to mess with rabbits...I was lucky with that old plummer mate that i know and we both were fortunate i had the time to do lots with her so she never got bored at her tasks.....
  3. I was out with a keeper and some other lads and i was sort of pressured to try my terrier in a rabbity place, i knew it was risky as she was a young dog and had been used as a busher and general all rounder as such.I dug her to a rabbit only shallow but a rabbit all the same, she went on to bolt two foxes and was dug to another one that day. She was young and like i say a general all rounder but she never ever made the same mistake again and wouldn't enter a rabbit burrow again even when worked along side ferrets,glad i didn't give up on her as she turned into the best terrier iv'e ever had an
  4. Over 30 years ago i took a lass to a private clinic for a termination and we were the only white folk there, the rest were of Indian appearance as it goes...
  5. Rationally?, but your talking of murdering innocent children and all that guilt shit bollocks and that's you getting personal over it, i know a woman who was the result of a rape and she's had a tormented life and openly says she wishes she'd never been born but hasn't killed herself due to the heart ache it would have brought her mother and now the heart ache it would bring to her husband who lives a equally tormented life and all they do is there best to get through each day.She's never had children and the reason is because one day they would have asked where their grandad was,i myself wou
  6. There are many medical and personal reasons to abort a fetus and seeing as you don't own a womb,what the fcuk has it got to do with you except to push your warped god shit upon people?... .
  7. I am mate,ripped out the old floor and have red leaded all cross members etc,then it got cold outside but i will have it all sorted for spring time as although it's a oldish lorry (1984 Bedford TL with a little 220 turbo) it's only got 25,000 on the clock and has been looked after as such....
  8. I had a rayburn in my lorry horsebox and the only money i ever spent on keeping it warm was on bow saw blades, i also have never paid for wood and am fitting a new burner in my house over the next few months all ready for next winter but these days i let a chainsaw do the cutty hard work bit......
  9. Mate of mine spent a week in Swansea jail on remand for cutting a dead oak branch down a farmer said he could have then called the old bill on him, bit of a do when he appeared in court as we kicked off in the public gallery and they had to call in a few extra coppers to clear us out but we got the message across to the bench as my pal was released that day and the charges were dropped...Stealing wood is frowned upon in some places Captain so go a little steady with collecting it..
  10. It also kills good bacteria so a live culture (live yogurt etc) should be given after wards and to use it all the time i was told was not good for finches and canaries but a dose once a month...
  11. Found one old pic where she got more than a paw dirty but it was a fecker shoving her in the hole for the pic.....
  12. Here's a pic that made a topic a while ago, my old Plummer with one of a decent enough number of foxes for a all rounder that she was dug to during her life, Don't honestly care what anyone says about Plummers but that little bitch never let me down or made a fool of herself in the numerus different tasks she had a go at,can't remember now but she's over ten years old in that pic and although she's been gone a few years now i still dearly miss her and what she could do... Over to you FD..................
  13. If a dog owner let his dog roam on it's own free will and it started killing sheep then it deserves to be shot right?, if a cat owner lets there cat roam free willed on a shoot where not only shooting takes place but also conservation along the lines of putting up bird boxes,wild bird feed cover etc then the cat deserves to die like the livestock worrying dog..When i had aviaries i had no endo f trouble with cats putting birds off thier nests and chicks dying,eggs getting cold and a few birds killing themselves by flying into the wire at night when spooked by a cat on the roof.I told ALL my ni
  14. So sorry to read your sad news Shroom man, hope the xmas time goes as well as it can for you all fella..
  15. That was only Usyk's second heavy weight bout by the way and fury took 10 rounds to beat chisora after how many heavy weight fights?....But if fury backs his mouth with actions we'll find out next year won't we ?.......
  16. Someone had to pay for the pay day and the mugs did that...I watched the first three rounds on a stream then fecked it off as the total shite is was and watched some quads,dogs and hogs on you tube which was far more action packed than that drivel..
  17. Drey shooting is awesome fun though ,,,,,..
  18. What stream as Hesgoal ain't working for me?.
  19. Get out on flooded water meadows where most of the field is at least ankle deep and your see a totaly different animal ,but your so right about them poxy stinking feet...
  20. That's sad news and he did well to get to meet with Kevin Sinfield on his amazing effort for MND, RIP to a truely great man..
  21. Sue Rothwell ,she sold up a few years back now...
  22. Nice one wolfdog and the little stove looks grand indeed mate, looks like it was worth while going to say hello and all the best to you all.....
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