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Everything posted by c2c

  1. c2c

    Little Hitlers

    for me it has to be the specials you know the ones i want to be robocop and i will do it for free one of our meat inspectors in our slaughterhouse was one then he got chinned by a 14yr old girl who was spraypainting on a wall fecking brilliant bed wetters the lot of them and they have to buy all there own gear
  2. good luck with the new pup mate . sorry to hear about your other one
  3. been looking up on the internet you have some cracking sea fishing mate we are comong over later on in the year
  4. same here bud sorry i did'nt pm you the other day.and yes mate the mum and pups are in the lounge with us and storm she is crazy about them keeps trying to get in there the mum is fine with her which is what i like about her
  5. that realy is a fine dog you have got yourself there
  6. c2c

    youre job

    window cleaner in the morning leather work in the afternoon wouldn't change it for the world
  7. all i take with me is sterlized wipes antiseptic spray and bandages if i were to need anything more it's straight down the pro's (vets) best place for them all of my permisson is only ten mins from the vets and he can be there quicker than me and should be the price they charge out of hours
  8. cracking looking pup you have there mate all the best with him
  9. yes john there has been some huge blue fin tuna caught of the west coast of ireland in the last 20 years the irish rod caught record is 970lb caught by adrian molloy on a charter out of kilcar south west donegal 970lb feck me i think a fishing trip to ireland is in order u up for it fireman go fishing on the boat :sick: then in the pup for a few
  10. don't hijack someones thread mate pay your fiver and post your own mate i think shay is trying to say he has wider strong stuff collers as ss make all diffrent sizes and to be fair they are hard to beat sh*t sorry mate feel a propper tw*t now
  11. don't hijack someones thread mate pay your fiver and post your own mate
  12. can you make dog collers and leads ? yes mate what you after?
  13. my mate always takes his plummers when he goes ferreting i don't take any of mine as they would smash a ferret to pieces so i don't bother taking them with us
  14. c2c

    why bother

    they do it near us as well i live on a farm in one of the cottages seeing that there was a lot of rabbits i got in contact wiht the farm manager and asked if i could do some ferriting only to be told that the farm workers went round the fields and did all the shooting for a bit of fun on there days off BUT if i wanted i could go roung after them and collect all the DEAD game they shoot for my animals as they did'nt want it
  15. just made one of these for someone he's over the moon with it the price of them is £24 free p/p uk mainland includes lead and 2 collars
  16. I've had my opinel for 14 + years and it's still doing the job. you havent killed enough game then .............. I'm trying. good..man .... iwant to see that blade as big as a needle by the end off the season Here it is. i think you should treat yourself to a new one mate it looks well worn to me any way
  17. your right john off the west coast of ireland boats go out from sligo,donegal i think around july to sept is it all nets mate or can you charter a boat and fish for them?
  18. c2c

    Why dont we...

    is this going to happen then
  19. you are dead right on hte turning circle mate just a good job they have no probs going up curbs
  20. looks like you had a good doy out mate well done
  21. c2c

    Why dont we...

    i think its a good idea moll have one of these if you like
  22. what do you preffer on rabbits day or night coursing i do like day running you don't miss a thing but you. well i tend to get more at night what are you thoughts
  23. never a more true word spoken its all about the chase for me as well if the dog runs well it does'nt matter if it gets to make a kill or not
  24. its my time to talk who's name is on the wall CASPA
  25. NA I DONT THINK SO.C WHAT I MEAN GUYS HE DONT WANA KNOW HE DONT CARE DO HE. YOU WANA C THE MUPPETS HE WITH NOW. im at home neil with wife and kids YOU MUG YOU ANT GOT AN ANSWER HAVE YOU COMPLETE SELL OUT. listen to yourself mate what ever are you doing your a grown man ffs
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