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About jamielee

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 07/10/1991

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  • Location
    south wales
  1. iv had the same problem with my pup its a whippet xgrey x collie x derhound about 27inchs i took him out at about 11 months and he kept over running going for the big strike and having to make up alot of ground. but now been going out with him alot and its seemed to have clicked hes not brill but deffo improving and catching.
  2. yeah wat i was thinking that when he catches his 1st rabbit and goes to drop it at my feet if it runs off and he catches it again he might hold it in his mouth until i take it out
  3. how would i do that tho? hes bringing it back hes doing what i want him to do :/ iv tried putting it in his mouth closing his mouth and telling him to hold that didnt work i tryed having a little game of tug and war but that hasnt worked either lol im stuck.
  4. iv got a pup nearly 7 months old now and im doing retriving with him hes retriving fine but as soon as he gets to me hes dropping it right by my feet is this a problem? how would i get him so i could take it out of his mouth ? thanks
  5. iv got a lurcher about 4 months old doing a little bit of retriving with him and he seem to wanna run off and play with it shall i wait untill hes abit older and then try orr help would be great thanks
  6. thanks for the replys helped alot thanks.
  7. heres my new pup. hes bread 1/2 greyhound 1/4 whippet 1/8 deerhound 1/8 collie
  8. im going to be introducing my lurcher to live stock for the very 1st time i just wondering whats the best way to do it? ( mainly sheep).
  9. i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.
  10. i got a pup about 4 months old iv got A little narrow opening behind my garage and iv been retriving a little soft toy with him not very long about 6 feet he brings it straight back is this a good idea or should i just do it in the garden? when i do it in the garden he runs off with it i know hes young but just wondering weather i should do it down the narrow lane and he brings it back or in the garden where he aint ? or should i do it down the lane for a while and then go into the garden? advive would be great thanks.
  11. hi im just wondering of anybody knew of any good lurcher breeders othan than hancock? thanks
  12. only just seen this post would of snaped 1 up straight away just what i was looking for
  13. ps forgot to say comes with any trial what so ever .

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