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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Some years ago I had a WAGBI Seamark flapper cradle. Leant it to someone who 'nicked' it [lesson there] Are these or anything similar still available, it worked!!!
  2. Top idea the 'room in the roof' Give em plenty to play with in the exercise bit, tubes stuff to climb they will have a blast!
  3. Can remembers a good few years back whilst ferreting in Huntingdonshire! catching Black rabbits! Anyone else had these?
  4. You will get lots of varing answers to this mate! Funniest one is the old Jasper Carrot sketch!
  5. Try soaking the carrots in cheap gin! Save shooting them just catch em when they are pissed!!! Hey a 'legal' gin trap!!!!!!!!!!!!! Used to work on phesants!
  6. Im sure I have one tucked away Ill get back to you. Thanks mate will wait to hear from you!
  7. Anyone know where to get [cheap] or have for sale a 12 shot .22 magazine for a Theoben MFR
  8. Just 'returned' to coarse fishing this year. Used to fish the Ouse at Offord a lot but it has got worse and worse over the last 20 years! Now fish off my mates new houseboat in a local marina. This summer have had numerous tench up to 7.5lb, 13lb common carp, bream up to 10lb, perch to 2.5lb and roach up to 2lb. Got some pics I will dig out sometime! All these caught on an old Abu match rod, found in a skip, in about 11 foot of water not more than 10 foot from his boat!! Hooked again!!!!!!!!! Tight lines to all.
  9. Ooops should have done this before!!! Joined a week or so ago, great site lots of helpful people ideas etc. Just got back to ferreting after a long break, mostly air rifle to rabbits see pic! Use a shotgun as well but less often! Good luck to all in their chosen pastimes.
  10. Have a look at this website also! http://maxamknives.com/
  11. Try the same recipie with cheap scotch instead of gin! Does the whiskey a favour really, who can drink less than a single malt on its own!!!!
  12. Hi guess a 70% plus is average on a good decoy day. Best ever was 95 pigeon for 102 shots decoying on beans!
  13. Got an old Titan Manitou myself. Brilliant! Go for a heavyish pellet though something around and over 16 grains. Titan / Falcon recommend Bisley Magnums I am using AA field they work well! Good luck.
  14. Usuall carry about 100 nets! Only ever used them all twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Juast a thought a small torch is sometime useful!
  15. Yes first time out with bigredbusa see the notes! Also a first for me always used gill loose and a hob on a line if they laid up, which wasnt very often.
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